New rs6..

my grandmother has an EOS with the turbo & DSG setup (thanks to my recommendation she got one of the first in the US). I drove it from naples to miami in back last year and loved the transmission. it’s just evil how smooth yet hard it upshifts and I love how it downshifts also. in fact, when not playing around it was pleasant in auto mode and not annoying at all. I would love to take one out for a track day (preferably in a GTI since the EOS platform is more luxury then sports). the “clinical” shifting does take something away, it’s just not the same as rowing your own boat – even though it was better, having less to do was a little drab. I think I would love the BMW 335 with the new BMW twin clutch system as a daily driver once they come out… but there really is just something fun about having the clutch and dancing across the pedals at a track day.