Nifty Areo for S13 hatch

Cama across this cool wing and thought I’d share. Someone should buy this and rock it! :wink:

nifty or EWWWWWWWW

:puker: i dunno why anybody would want to put that monstrosity on their car…
to each their own, i guess.

wtf, mate?

never seen wangan before?

call it what you want… it’s still fugly.
but that’s just me… i prefer to be low-key 8)


i like how opionated every one on here is

its part of the veilside c3 kit , and i have this wing on my car , personally i love the wing and i think it looks great but , some ppl dont like it but to each thier own


for a wangan wing, this IS low-key,
i think it looks alright but if i’m ever gonna throw a wangan wing on, it’s gonna be hardcore.

LOL I was going to say that the wing/kit looks ‘veilside ugly’ then I saw the logo 1/2 way down the page… thier are other ‘wangan’ wings out there that are most suited to the shape of the S13/180 and do a good job at rear stabilization …

I have a wangan spoiler that I think Bomex makes. I personally like the look of the wing and it flows well with the body of the S13 240sx HB. I kinda miss the no spoiler look though.

Is it true that wings help your car go faster?

No, they make your car go slower

no, they help you keep on the ground so you don’t fly away at mach 1 speeds. DUH

everyone knows that.

I’ve seen this installed on a 240 once upon a time and it really does not improve the look of the car at all.

what an abortion of a spoiler

That is really ugly.

WTF? I cant see the wing, theres too much rice in the way.

and the impending doom was near anyways.