Night pics of East Asia

Japan is lit up and well as China.

That dark patch in the upper left is the Gobi desert but even the desert has more light than the oppressed North Korea which is the penninsula to the left of Japan. The bottom part of the penninsula is South Korea. Above that is the North.

Goes to show how how fucked up the government in that country is.

photoshop game?

sooooo you gauge your goverments light consumption by how fucked up they are?

sounds like strict energy laws to me

Just oppressed populations.

Maybe they had a power outage when this was taken…lol

like when 400,000 people lost power on the eastcoast or w/e last year

“OMG, the U.S doesnt give electricity to the eastern part of the country? Wow, fuck them asshole and their shitty government!”

This country is ran by an absolute maniac.

They hate America.

And don’t forget the nukes they just successfully tested. IMO North Korea is Americas worst enemy.

And you make this sound like its news to us.

Probably a complex formed when he was a child… at night when his father came home he would be beaten if there were lights on… soooo as a punishment to the country no one has lights on

or he was raped when the lights were on, so that he could see his fathers face as he skull fucked him

so now he leaves the lights off in an attempt to forget the memories of the lights on…

This thread confuses me.

So just let me get this straight. What you’re trying to tell me is that North Korea is located to the NORTH of South Korea? This is blowing my fucking mind.


Maybe they accidentally the whole country with their nuclear tests?

Dont worry, Obama sent them a very “strongly worded letter” because yeah…thats gonna help :bloated:.

Seems pretty legit. That site made’s list of “best of the web”.

NK is definitely still in the stone age compared to most of the modern world. Pretty scary that a country as backwards as that has nuclear capability and are getting ready to test a missile capable of hitting Alaska.

Dude…Obama sent them a letter! everything will be fine! He’s black jesus…I’m sure he can pull off that miracle.