Nisky Lot replacement

no, wasnt me. It was a guy named Adam that I dont think is on here

ahhh for some reason i though it was you sry… cpd showed up and arrested them

I remember all of it, lol

Since nisky lot is shut down. Any new location to meet?

When/how did this happen?

My friend was there. Cops said to leave and don’t come back. Something with the owner don’t want anyone there. Cops also said they will be impounding cars. L0L

thats what happens when a bunch of idiots hang out. i went there once and was happy i caught a ride cause i didn’t want my beater miata in that parking lot.

It’s good that there is something to do on a weekend evening for the summer, but bad because of da retards fucking it up for us. If we meet at different lots every weekend that will be very helpful and cops just gonna chase our tails cause they wont know where to go and where we meets. That just an idea. Let see what everyone thinks. We use to do this back in NY and it worked.

If people at the lots weren’t fucking retards you wouldn’t need to try and stay a step ahead of the cops.

We are in New York…

…best state in the union.

Go to a car show if you want to hang out with people who like cars. If you just show up in some random parking lot at night you’re just drawing attention towards yourselves and eventually those with nothing better to do will ruin it for everyone.

Can’t keep doing the same thing expecting different results.

Most of the retards find out where meet is happening is through their friends, you will eliminate some of them. Not everyone follow a thread where meet is located.

And i meant New York City

the only way any LOT will work. Is if the property owner allows it, and if the good people attending self police the environment. If the good friends, have the balls to tell their friends “quit fucking around your being a dick bag”, that will TRY and eliminate the problems, and it goes right back full circle. The property owners see that being done, and have faith in the way the people hanging out run themselves.



lol at nisky lot getting broken up after 10 seconds, of course… it’s fucking clown central there.

Nisky “lot” was never a legit lot to begin with.

That’s pretty accurate I’d say.

All the way down to the tail lights :lol