Nissan Enthusiasts Car Club Bi-Weekly Meets 2008

Bring it. Better than what you have now anyway :twisted:[/quote]

I hate you

Bring it. Better than what you have now anyway :twisted:[/quote]


haha too funny jugo!

ill most likely swing by… dont worry not rocken the Toyota anymore haha i have been drawn to the darkside!

Still on if raining ?

I’m probably going to show up, I’ll be there around 7:45pm.

k raining like a bitch in leduc and its heading north. I wont be coming I dont think… Unless we can move the location to say a parkade somewhere.?.?.?

I’ll be there too then !

MR.Rage: When you say the first parking well is it coming from south side or north side of the park.

when you first drive in its on the left you cant miss it its the long one

I’ll still show up, if it’s brutal and there’s not many people or if there’s a couple then I’m thinking just head over to the local watering hole for a drink and that’s basically it…

k well ill be there then all you had to do was mention watering hole lol

ok the rain is done in leduc it lasted about 1hr so worst case scenario we will have to wait it out

Who’s all coming tot he meet on Saturday? I might have another B16 show up, FINALLY!! :smiley:

I won’t be at this meet. I work on Saturday nights.

I think I might stop by one of these meets sometime. But first I have to wait to get my car tuned in reddeer before I can drive it, so afer July 8th. Can’t Wait!

Ill be there :smiley:

I’ll be there but I might not cruise, my fan/alternator belt is frayed and my belts are on its way out…I’m basically limping the 180 right now…

Thanks to the 4 other people who showed up. yet no one who complained about not being able to make it out on fri nights were there. If we make a special event so that people can attend please show up then.

Too bad to hear that Ken, sorry to leave you hangin’ there dude, I got your back next time lol

I will second Ken’s post. I thought there was going to be more than 5 people at a saturday meet, given that the weather was spectacular. What a failed meet.

it was nice meeting you guys… as brief as it was. when is the next get-together?