thats why i dont work on honda for profit and really dont know how anyone does. there is no money to be made there b/c everyone undercuts everyone and majority of the honda users are cheap/have no money. Thats mostly due to the honda market is late teens to mid 20’s, and expendable income is not there.
honda is good market to be in for the end user to build a car-- as everything is cheap. China copies everything and electronically you have numerous options w/ chrome/neptune/hondata etc etc that are all relatively cheap. However, it is a rude awakening when you leave honda and go elsewhere as you found out.
Trust me, i shake my head at how i can build a turbo setup w/ decent quality parts for cheaper than the cost of a manifold for other brands. Im slowly building my pos honda w/ good parts that i pick up used and it is literally pennies on the dollar compared to any of my german cars. I may have 700 tops into the entire thing!