Nissan Murano Cabriolet?? WTF???


should be approximately as successful as the pt cruiser vert

It actually looks better than the regular Murano but thats like saying a turd looks better than diarrhea.

46k , yeah right … suck my dick

would never

oh man they are totally going to corner the market on people who are looking for SUV’s and also want the functionality of a convertible. such a huge part of the market, left untapped

the SUV version is one of the ugliest cars ive ever seen so I just cant help but laugh.

Its like Nissan is trying hard to make ugly cars.

The Cube is still the worst though- it looks like it was designed by a 5 year old on drugs using a crayon.

pjb with the funniezzz

Selling the s2k for this.

seen it in person in august and it looks better than in the pics but still isn’t a looker

Tell your dad to stop selling the Juke, Cube, Murano, and everything else except the Quest and GTR

sooo… very successful?

wow thats a whole lot of ugly.

The 09+ Murano is the only <50k SUV I’d consider owning besides whatever VWs top of the line V10 TDI SUV is called, and I think that’s like 60k. Love the way those drive, pretty quick too. Also the Juke with turbz, AWD and manual is fun, still girly though.

I can see jeep wrangler owners looking to trade in ASAP for this hot ride.

this is a combination of two types of vehicle that dont mesh

i think it’d be an excellent test to who see who in the country should vote. If you buy this vehicle you should automatically loose your right to vote and your drivers license.

Murano’s are not bad looking at all, but I hate the whole cross-over thing, either get a car or a real SUV.

Junk Junk and more Junk.

I own a Murano, I enjoy it… this convertible version is gayer than AIDS.