Nissan Power Problems

First and foremost…the car does have a small exhaust leak…the mating surface between the manifold downpipe and the exhaust pipe has the wrong “donut” in it and leaks a tiny bit from the front(you can feel the air with your hand). Now…if i’m not higher up in the rpms(like way up around 5grand) the car will start losing power if i apply to much to the gas pedal and for some reason if i i’m on all the way around 5700 the car starts hauling serious ass up until redline(like 7200).
I’m sure the leak is the culprit for majority of the problem but not all of it. Any ideas?
1993 Nissan NX GA16DE

So if you give throttle in lower RPM’s there is a decrease in power? Check your intake manifold gasket maybe

if i give it full pedal anywhere under about 5700 it just bogs down and starts losing power…whether it be on flat ground or going uphill in the slightest grade

I would say maybe intake manifold gasket…if you spray brake clean around the IM gasket while the motor is running you will hear a difference in RPM’s if there is a leaky.

ok i’ll try that and see what happens