Thank you for the feedback, it does help.
In response to some of your comments though, to help with clarification of the event just passed, the idea was to experience the trill of the cars, not to sell them. Sales staff were not on-site, although invited, for the basic reason that this was not a sales oriented program. Product Knowledge Specialists, specially trained at Nissan Canada were in attendance to answer any and all questions one may have had. However the weather of the weekend definitely put a damper on conveying information regarding the products with individuals such as yourself.
The venue locations and driver skill put the program at it’s limits as well. BMW has trained professional drivers in the vehicle with you during the event and their selected venue allow for higher speed driving. Our close proximity to the public, especially towards Toys R Us, put a damper on speed. The sheer number of drives that went through also shows that this type of event, much like that of Mini’s, is hard to tailor towards groups of people. I assure you, we wanted to allow for greater flexibilty in driving as well as higher speeds, but for example, when approximately 20% of those driving this weekend were first time drivers of manual transmission, the last thing we would want is them pushing gears and accelerating to 100+km/h in a public area, especially in the rain. Safety, no matter what event, is the top priority for any manufacturer.
As for squeeling tires, well it sure is fun, but in any type of racing, one rule always stands: “Smooth is fast”.
Thank you once again for your comments. They go along way towards further development of such programs!