Nissans 1st hover car

After years of development nissan has finally released pictures of their first hover car. Scheduled to be released next spring on the BNR32 chassis the car will be released only in one color “whiter than rice” white. Lift is provided by 4 powerfist jetstands capable of 2 tonnes of propulsion each. Estimated power figures from nissan project 294whp and 252ft/lbs of torque. Pictures were taken from Nissans top secret development shop outside of Edmonton, Canada.
a shot of the propulsion[/

:drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :vom:

OMG is that a R??? like a gt-RRRRRR on jackstands??? wow you parked your car for winter…lets take pics :roll:

Oh well, I thought it was funny. I guess if it isn’t drifing Kent doesn’t get it… :E

hell its not parked, he can drive it in the winter now that its a GT-hoveR. Doesnt even have to touch the ground.

Posts like this are the reason everyone is starting to hate this forum. I would delete it, but I’d rather leave it up as evidence of our slow and possibly inevitable decline into a 780tuners-like forum.

so sorry, i just though that at this time of year when everyone is parking their cars some of us could use a little humor to cheer us up. apperently this site is too serious for that???

Not typically. Most of us like to joke around about silly things, but apparently we’ve become the undertakers of the nissan community lately and have lost our sense of humor!?

no i thought it was going to be a pic of a car with some crazy aero, not just a car on jackstands, i honsetly dont see a point to posting pics of a car on jackstands…but hey to each there own.

shit this forum is still better than any other i have ever been on,lets just laugh and have fun not bicker like lil school girls,and i wish i had a garage so i could park my damn car I had to beg my parents to push it inside thisweek so I can winterize newb question
do u put it on jackstands so the tires dont get flat spots?..or what

no the wheels are back on, i just pulled them so that i could detail them nicely, washed clayed and waxed for the winter. i just put an extra 5lbs in the tires to avoid flatspots

k thanx.should ima just put more pressure in them i guess,
and damn that gtr is clean mang!congrats!

that is one clean skyline, i really like it DAMN thats NICE

I sense it…it is…I sense …I sense GT-R hatred in this forum… :rolleyes:

I just thought of this right now!(imagine that)… i painted my interior plastic peices white and am hopefully gonna paint the rims white also this should paint ur interior white mang it looks so dope on my black gts,and it would probly look even better on ur white gtr…do it!

i think even the s13/14 guys appreciate GT-R’s… its mostly GTS-t’s we get bored of

tell u get beat by one,lol n i love s13 coupe they are one of my fav’s

It seems people can’t just love CARS anymore. They have to be segmented into different categories…I’m a honda guy, I’m a nissan guy, I’m a v8 guy. Why can’t we all just respect what is cool? A screaming V8 is just as beautiful as an S15 banging off the rev limiter mid-drift and is just as beautiful as the ATESSA system yarding a GT-R around a corner it shouldn’t have been able to make.

Respect what is cool people. :E But, that said, GT-R FTW BITCHES! :E

NA IS BEST and FWD > AWD!!! :finga: :roll:

I have a GT-R becuz…

…well becuz in all honesty…98% of my driving is done on public road where fish tailing isnt an option.