Nissan GT-R First Drive

I will be saving all of my pennies if I have to. I must get one of these!


I just played around with it a little in photoshop:

… No Manual??? :confused: :S

I heard that to, wtf

I’m having some photoshop fun as well,

yah those cars are mad hot. but gonna cost soooo much!

paddle shift.

From a financial perspective, the best thing Nissan could’ve ever done was keep the Skyline out of North America, cause with all the hype that’s been raised over the past 20 years for this car, Nissan is now able to do whatever they’d like at their perusal.
Who puts a Auto tranny in a supercar and still has people willing to spend almost $100G just to get the name? If it were around from when it came out people would probably just treat it as another Viper or Corvette. Nice car, power CRAZY but it’s just another fast car.

EDIT – Paddle shift is still just an Auto in disguise. I figured it at least has a paddle shift already. Thus the use of Twin Clutches instead of the regular auto tranny means (Torque Converter).

Definitely the hype of the Skyline is whats pushing the GT-R. Cause the average person would be like oh its the new skyline, in Canada, and then go out and buy it…and it ain’t one [a skyline].

Paddle shift is still just an Auto

booo to no manual (lol)

but someone will do this car up nasty.

i sooooo want one!

Holy shit where did you source those pics? nissan official website?

these pics have been on gtrc for a few weeks already. just check gtrc for pics. theres a lot of pics there that you wont find posted on most other sites.

I’ll take it

Too bad it doesnt come in manual…GT version looks SICK…


those super gt pics are HOTTTTTTT


Even VW’s new DSG shifts faster than regular manual. Proven on Best motoring when they had two Golfs, one with DSG and one with Manual.