nitrous law passed in PA

it has always been a law that the bottle must be in a bracket unhooked with the valve closed


exactly so I don’t see why anyone cares about this law. it looks like it is the same damn thing

correct, but what quik found was them fixing loop holes and re wording stuff so there is no way around it.

This is the same procedure they did with the Tint laws which STILL no one reads, understands or they have a brother’s wife’s cousin twiced removed who heard from a goat that this is not the case.

They were on the books, but because of people finding ways around it they have to fix the wording, which is all that is happening.

Good find none the less.

Now is people don’t argue it that will be a different story.

if that did pass, I want all harleys to be muffled :jerkit:
thier louder than the damn trains by house :mad:


fuck harley’s, I can’t stand those damn things.

not that i post alot, or well at all, but back to the nitrous topic. pics of the install gone bad.
pewter, sammy etc. this is at the mt. pleasant napa about mmm 2-3 months ago. nothing like going to a vehicle fire to find a bottle of funny stuff in the trunk…

yup,seen it!!:kekegay:

now how the hell did that happen

were the drivers smokers? If so that could have happend just like the little old ladies on Home oxygen that smoke while having a nasal cannula in. If there were any leaks in the line that could deffinatly happen.

Nitrous in a Focus. HA!

that was sweet lol

How you going to get your ZEX to the track then?

6 (b) Exceptions.–A person may operate a motor vehicle
7 equipped with a nitrous oxide system on a highway or trafficway
8 if:
9 (1) All canisters of nitrous oxide have been removed
10 from the vehicle.
11 (2) The motor vehicle is en route to or from a track
12 where the motor vehicle is used for racing and the nitrous
13 oxide system is made inoperative by disconnecting the line
14 feeding nitrous oxide to the engine.

guess i shoulda read it. oh well

i guess you dont pay much attention. some focus can be bought with the bottle with a warrenty. SVT offers a nitrous fed focus from their inventory

yeah. and when you fill it, it voids

i dont see how it would. its from them so it woudl be covered now probably when you up the shot then yes

easy purple bottle is in the bed, blue bottle is in the hatch