nitrous law passed in PA

the bottle comes empty

which means what? nothing

I might be wrong but isn’t there some right as a citizen that if anything in a locked compartment of a car or house the proper law authorties must have a search warrent to search the car or the house. I understand the cop or who eve could say Probable cause but for what. I would say if that is true just tell the cop no. Correct me if I am wrong.

You really don’t want to go down that road with a cop. They will hem you up so bad its not even funny. Telling them no gives them resonable cause because it tells them you are trying to hide somthing.


so its a never ending circle. Yes you can deny them access, but they will just call in a warrent and impound the car.

One way or another they will check what they need.

not if trnk is locked & my lawyers there! :smiley:


ok for for the everyday person…

by law you can refuse any search when an officer asks for your permission. you are not admitting guilt to anything. some people are stupid and think that if u don’t give permission then it automatically means u are hiding something and they will assume guilt…this is not the case…they need probable cause to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that you have nitrous hooked up to your car…something obvious like you simply purging or the bottle is visible through a window…if they can’t see it or readily identify it then they have no justification to search your vehicle or to cite you for a nitrous violation. simply put, what they can’t see, they can’t fine you for.

more than likely if your stopped for street racing, thier gonna search your car anyway. valid reason right thier.

yupp… thats why you dont get caught…

nice article… I always wondered what the nitrous laws were in this state. I have a NOS kit sitting in the garage for my Supra… which never made it to the engine bay yet! I have been debating it, etc… now I may not even put it in… the way the laws are now this is ridiculas. I think the only safe way to run no2 on a street car is to run a sneeky pete system inside an interior trim panel… the pigs will never find that! I also read the thread about pigs hasseling trailer towers. We just got a new 06 F-250 King Ranch 6.0TD quad cab to tow a 30-32ft gooseneck race trailer and I dont even feel like dealing with a state trooper on the way to the races! FUCK THE PIGS they ruin EVERYTHING!!!

mark look into the rules before you go puttin a bottle on your shit. you may get stuck in the pro street tire class.

edit: NDRA which will be the norwalk race in october you are allowed a bottle but must have a blow down tube, etc. also if you plan on 9.99 or faster you need a liscense.

I doubt I will be running 9.99 or faster… at least not this year! Either way… the kit is there… I would rather hit my projected times in all boost without no2… this way if I do add it, it will just be a bonus!

I might be wrong but isn’t there some right as a citizen that if anything in a locked compartment of a car or house the proper law authorties must have a search warrent to search the car or the house. I understand the cop or who eve could say Probable cause but for what. I would say if that is true just tell the cop no. Correct me if I am wrong.

Yes you are correct partly. It doesn’t have to be a locked compartment. Anything that you would have an expectation of privacy with. ie your house, car etc… There must be something in plain sight to give you probable cause to get a search warrant. Soo…if your tooling down the road and get pulled over and contraband is in plain view, it’s probable cause for a search warrant.

Telling them no does not give them any legal grounds for a warrant.

1 more thing. If a police department has a policy that every vehicle that is impounded gets inventoried then any contraband found pursuant to the inventory is seized.

dappie99 is right. Any officer can ask at anytime to search your vehicle, house etc. If you consent and contraband is found you can/will be charged.

If an officer believes that you have a weapon he can search without your permission, the immediate area around the driver of a vehicle for weapons.

Points to make:

  1. The linked stuff is a bill currently in committee in the State Congress, it is NOT law. It will not become a law until the committee it is in marks it up and approves it, the entire Congress passes it, and the Governor signs it.
  2. 90% of cops don’t know that it’s illegal to have an open valve on the street. My pop is a retired cop, 33 years on the Pittsburgh force and retired as an Lt., and had no idea about that law.
  3. I’m not sure what exactly that picture is supposed to prove, but nitrous oxide is neither explosive nor flammable. Don’t believe me? Open your valve and hold a lighter to the stream of nitrous which rushes out. It will not ignite.

The only way for a nitrous bottle to explode would be if pressure built up inside the bottle to such a degree that the bottle exploded (and it would NOT be a flammable explosion)- but EVERY nitrous bottle sold in the past 20 years has a mandatory safety blow-out disk which releases when bottle pressure gets dangerously high, allowing the pressure to safely blow out the hole in the bottle, keeping the bottle from exploding.

The only other possibility of a nitrous system causing an explosion is misuse of a wet kit- wet kits inject both fuel and nitrous, and some folks plumb intake manifold NOT intended to flow fuel with wet kit injection. This can cause fuel to “puddle” in the intake manifold, and in the case of a backfire, can cause the manifold to explode (due to the gasoline, not the nitrous). This was the case with the often seen Z06 explosion video that circulated the web awhile ago.

Dry kits are about totally safe as far as explosions go, the danger lies with incorrectly installing it and melting or blowing chunks out of a piston due to detonation. Wet kits are also safe, if installed and used correctly. There is alot of misinformation surrounding nitrous oxide, and I hoped I cleared some stuff up for a few of you.