No good deed goes unpunished

You want me to pull info on this person :slight_smile:

The title says it all… shitty


U took to long. I have his license

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No trident layers? Lame

Probably a fake ID too

What time are we going? did you get the plate # off his car too?

I thinn i know where the 2015 Official NYSpeed spring meet will be held…


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In 4 results

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Well I am very happy that I went to the guys house. Turns out him and his mother really are the good people I pulled outta the ditch. He was working but the mother gave me all the info and phone numbers and was very apologetic. The son txted me once I left there that he will make sure everything is taken care of and he offered to pay me for helping him. Of course I declined and said lets just work together to fix my truck. He had the new and old insurance card in his glove box and accidentally gave me the old one. No problem.

:tup: Good to know there are still honorable honest people out there. Im going to call him insurance this morning and try to get the ball rolling.

I was so happy that on the way back home, I pushed two stuck cars outta snow banks.

Good to hear. :tup:

Tell him they can pay you back by hosting the NYSpeed spring meet…