no more 2jz-ge for me

Hi! I’m here just cause I saw everyone was hopping in here, and I felt left out!

But, :tup: to the new components! I hope it works out :slight_smile:

I was gonna turbo my 6… but, I feared the same results! Sorry to hear.

attn whore…lol


Setting a fine example as a moderator as usual.

I dont know the entire story but I know enough to know that all of this speculation makes you all look like retarded columbos…somehow stumbling around with a lack of information only not geting closer to turning over the stone that hides the answer. You all ASSUME based on Dos’ lack of admittance to doing something to cause the car to catastrophically fail that it was his fault. But its cool…because anytime someone doesnt admit to something…it must be true, and at the same time, it must be worth paying attention to for 4 pages, and on top of that it is worth keeping open to stir up more drama…and for what? To teach him a lesson about being up front about something like his car blowing up? To allow all of you to find something to do with your otherwise mild existance? Give the guy a break…his car blew up, and altho I am not a huge fan of Dos, I know he wouldnt sit there and rub it in anyones face given the same situation occuring. So why dont you put his monster size 15s or whatever they are on and relax for a minute…otherwise next time you get something worth modding at it blows up…we can all point fingers in your direction. Only somehow I have a feeling that thread would get closed because your mod feelings might get hurt.


zwarbyt for mod’s been the best thing to ever happen to the forum

lol, dude’s panties are in a huge bunch

DOS’s torque curve is gonna look like his silhouette now…completely flat across and then 6’10 straight up.

i didn’t make the thread :gotme:

and you don’t hear about me blowing my shit up because… hmmm oh yeah i have blown my shit up, and talked about it, and explained why it happened, because i wasn’t trying to whore attention?

and I already told dos I’d run him once hes up and running, my whole project cost’s less than the price of his kit…

and yes I am busting his balls about it, strictly for the fact he posted “Ummm shit blew up, i wanna be snky about it so ummm pm me”

if you want to be snky, don’t make a thread, don’t talk about, just come out with a fast car and smoke people, if not, then don’t make stupid threads for the sake of attention whoring

this is very true

die…kthx :stuck_out_tongue:

:word: 2 zwartits

lamest thread ever.

Awww don’t get mad :gay3:

heheheh… :funny:

:snky: = not telling anyone

:attention whore: = giving a little bit of info and telling people to contact you for more.

Even if you gave every last bit of info Dos, people still would have come up with their own theories. The best thing that you could have done, in hindsight, would have been to not say anything at all. By creating this thread in the manner that you did, you opened the flood gates and allowed people to think whatever they want about what happened, although I do like FuzzyFish’s theory :lol: Get the car fixed, get it tuned, get out on the street and get to running people.

Oh yes, having seen them in person, GTE internals >>>>>> GE internals. The comparrison pics don’t do the GTE internals justice.

my theory…Dos got a huge boner when he got word that the kit was installed and drivable although not recommneded…on a shitty tune he goes out for a few joy rides…BOOM…bye bye motor…gets the head off finds a bad headgasket…gets it fixed and drives a lil more…realizing something aint right still…mechanic pulls oil pan…bye bye bearings and a rod or 2…or disconvers the head gasket and then immediately his mechanic pulls the oil pan which would be the smart thign to do…I hope #2 is the real story cause i have heard good things about the mechanic

No more theories, no more BS in this thread. This was a train wreck to start since Dos wants to be so tight lipped and then whine when people are asking questions that aren’t so nice and cuddly.

Dos - If you are gonna post about your shit again, post details or don’t post anything at all.

Okay, on second thought (no offense Chris) this thread has officially reached its destination of NO WHERE. :wave:

Secor out!