no more 2jz-ge for me

Tis the interweb.

simple logic with all info known = this :

dos turbo’d a N/A car.

tuning was probably not done

car go boom

It’s not the first time it happened, and it’s not going to be the last.

If / when dos tells, i/everyone will continue to draw conclusions.

I fully stand by my gremlin theory. :tup:

:word: I think it’s gonna be awesome when it’s done, specualtion has no place to go, but to the gutter. It’s not like it matters or anyone is gonna make fun of you for messing up your motor when you’re smoking them down the road. shit happens to everyone in one form or another.

Howie please delete this stupid fucking pointless, please look at me but I won’t tell, thread.


^^ if you guys dont like this thread so much… why do you keep on posting in it?

b/c they wanna know what happened. that’s all

when’s this gonna be assembled? it’ll be effing sweet… sleeper shiTT

im not sure, but when it is. im sure you will all know

That’s exactly right. Usually people share experiences to inform or they are super sneaky and don’t say shit. You apparently enjoy the middle of each.

I’m done.

DING DING DING…hence why i suggested fucked bearings

hey guys whats going on in here?

oh nothing. want some kool-aid? glasses are in the cupboard

Yea rod bearings


dos has someone put a turbo kit on his car w/ a piggy back
dos drives the car running boost on stock settings :bloated: (who knows what damage is done)
dos gives car to “someone” to look at
car blows up while “someone” is driving the car

damage is done when? most likely when you run boost on a stock cal :bloated:

who is at fault? whoever decided it would be a good idea to drive the goddamn car without a tune

dos = :bloated:

fill in a bad headgasket somewhere in that story

whaaa-laaah you have this bullshit thread

lol @ this thread

lol @ you

no no, most of my laughs are at you.

this thread went the wrong way. just close it already and get off my nuts.

now we want a close? mmmmmmm nahhhh

u asked for it