ok then why dont you go ahead and buy me one then . 8)
because people apparently dont fucking understand simple sentaces, i have highlighted a portion of what dos said. please let it sink in before telling the OWNER of the car WHO WAS THERE AT THJE TIME why his engine was damaged
i say Driver error and driver who doesnt know shit about tuning thinks it wasnt Emanage…its fun to stir the pot
actually i remember him posting about a bad head gasket like a week ago
how much are these new internals gonna cost? + labor?
Pfftt… everyone knows he sucked a gremlin through the intake. At which point it took it’s sweet time eating the welds on the intake. At which point it then said oh fuck this, and made boost without the turbo in place.
This resulted in a paradox, due to boost where there was none present. Cauing a mini-black hole in cylenders 1,3,5, and 6, and over boosting by amounts that caused a release in energy equal to that of the sun on a good day on cylenders 4, and 2. The result of which snapped the crank in4 places, as the engine wasn’t sure which way it was meant to turn.
This then resulted in 4 of the cylenders being sucked upwards so hard that the pistons, rods, and even parts of the crank right through the thick head. resulting in 4 perfectly bored holes. The other two blew through the bottom of the block so hard, that it blew through the earth.
At which point some unlucky DSM driver in Japan felt a loud bang as the two stray pistons punched through the earth. Cylender 4 hitting the crank at just the right angle to push the crank sideways. The other hitting the transfer-case causing to lock up. Then resulting in an accident which was just blamed on normal wear items.
DrDos then used this strange occurance to form a single piece block & head out of titanium. So that he could try to harness this new found power. Only to realize he just has a massive vaccum leak due to the blown welds. And had to sell it and settle for running 12s for the rest of his life.
At least that is what I hear happened.
even a standalone wouldn’t prevent the stupidity of some(one) hypothetically driving around in a boosted car with NO tune…
i’m going to assume it was his fault if hes not posting why…that or he likes the attention?
I could be wrong.
ROFL, damn dude that is excatlly what happend.
let it sink in that driving a car w/ an aftermarket turbo kit running any amount of boost without a decent basemap from EITHER a piggyback (shudder) or a a standalone is probably the dumbest fucking thing i have ever heard of
fixed, lol … but only a few people will get it
Alot of speculation for no reason…again…I suggest arts and crafts as a time passer.
Ringland go boom…rod go bent…new parts installed and he will be on his way.
Its either dick riders or band wagon haters…:gay2:
i just hope dos gets his car back together. i think it stupid how much shit everyones giving him. u pay to play
welll its stupid to post a thread like this and then not say what happened…
the is300 tries to hit a target afr of 12.5 on its MAF based system… which is why you can bolt up a supercharger with NO aftermarket fueling computers or injectors and still be fine up to i think i remember 5-6psi…
but whatever :tdown: for not posting the story and posting a thready like this… you invited the hating on yourself
Hating will always be hating…they hate on you for turboing a Tib…even when u post step by step…they hate on skunk for missing a shift…they hate if the story is told or not…so why bother.
I like the Skunk theory. 5-2 boom
so true…