My first post was simply stating my car would ad up for a few more hundred dollars that I should not spend until I get my debt out of the way. 1/12 of my debt is from my car, which I paid cash for. Personal loans and credit cards are what this thread was about.
I could easily go spend some money on new tires, insurance for another six months, and a inspection and be happy, but it’s just money I can see going to better my finanical situation.
And the “we all cannot afford nice cars” comment wasn’t directed towards you at all. If you can afford any car of your choice and live without eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, more power to you. It’s not my place to tell you how to spend your money or pick your hobbies.
I am by no means stretching myself, sure, it’s nice to have a hobby, but hobbies can go on hold, which this one is. I’m not trying to compare my car vs. your car, just simply stating that most of my recurring debt is from other things then my car.