no respect....


On the plus side: it wasn’t permanent.

On the minus side: it wasn’t an accident, like someone backing in to it. 100% intentional.


on the plus side, it’s just a car.


it may have been a female friend, too.

Girls don’t realize how bad for a car that shit can be. A pair or more of females could have thought this was a cute joke/way of saying hi.


I have talked to pretty much all my close friends already and it was none of them… It was atleast a two person operation because i found the ketchup bottle then the mustard in my side yard like the were running and dropped them.


Yeah, pretty sure it’s someone you know. If not it’s an extremely random act to go up someone’s driveway to put condiments on a car. A car outside a bar, or parked in a fast food parking lot I’d believe random act, but this sounds like someone who knows you.


I have no idea who would want to do something like this though… Pretty much everyone I know is someway or another into cars and wouldn’t do something like this…


lol word.

to the OP, here is a legitimate question:

“did you deserve it?”


Not even going to lie, no… i cant think of anyone i have pissed off besides my fiance in the last 6 months or more… and she was passed out drunk so i know it wasnt her… haha.

i did have some trouble last summer with a few people, but it was a mutual you keep my name out of your mouth and i will do the same. you stay away, i stay away.

i will most likely park out front tonight and sit out on the porch, have a few beers and wait with a bat.


on the plus side, it’s just a car.


Yea but its a brand new car… I could see if it was a beater or something.

Or if i deserved it for nailing somebodys gf or something… but i cannot come up with anything…


i will most likely park out front tonight and sit out on the porch, have a few beers and wait with a bat.


Is this all really worth an assualt & battery charge, as well as public intoxication charge?

Though, I doubt they would come by the following night… unless they’re really stupid kids.


Yea but its a brand new car… I could see if it was a beater or something.

Or if i deserved it for nailing somebodys gf or something… but i cannot come up with anything…


Ah, I thought it was the supra.

But still…


Is this all really worth an assualt & battery charge, as well as public intoxication charge?

Though, I doubt they would come by the following night… unless they’re really stupid kids.


Then I will skip the beers. The assualt charge… sure why not. If somebody has an issue with me, take it up with me, say something, do something, don’t fuck with my shit while I am asleep.


Ah, I thought it was the supra.

But still…


no no no no that stays in storage.
I have taken it out maybe twice all summer. Trying to save more cash to fix the hatch and then get it sprayed. The paint is so faded and swirled…

a few years ago, my ex-girlfriend’s car got egged in front of my house, I witnessed it from down my street at 3 am driving both of us back from a party. I turned off my headlights when I saw it.

These clowns were stupid enough to drive down my road and into the mosque parking lot right by my street, i followed them in 5 minutes later, to find their car abandoned. I think they were in the back defacing the mosque. I took the bat out of my trunk, broke 4 windows (not the windshield or back window, that would have been overkill) and then called the cops saying someone was trespassing on the mosque.

ahh, i miss those younger years

edit: the funniest part of all this was how livid my gf at the time was that her cavalier got egged. she was too mad to decide what to do so she spat on their car and started crying. it was kind of adorable


into the mosque parking lot right by my street



But srsly, much wiser then taking on 4 people


a few years ago, my ex-girlfriend’s car got egged in front of my house, I witnessed it from down my street at 3 am driving both of us back from a party. I turned off my headlights when I saw it.

These clowns were stupid enough to drive down my road and into the mosque parking lot right by my street, i followed them in 5 minutes later, to find their car abandoned. I think they were in the back defacing the mosque. I took the bat out of my trunk, broke 4 windows (not the windshield or back window, that would have been overkill) and then called the cops saying someone was trespassing on the mosque.

ahh, i miss my younger years


people are so fucking stupid… and i hate the fact that i read about this shit all the time and everyone has a story like this… what the fuck is wrong with people…

its one thing if its a joke, but to do shit like this out of spite or jealousy or hatred is just a pansy ass move.


a few years ago, my ex-girlfriend’s car got egged in front of my house, I witnessed it from down my street at 3 am driving both of us back from a party. I turned off my headlights when I saw it.

These clowns were stupid enough to drive down my road and into the mosque parking lot right by my street, i followed them in 5 minutes later, to find their car abandoned. I think they were in the back defacing the mosque. I took the bat out of my trunk, broke 4 windows (not the windshield or back window, that would have been overkill) and then called the cops saying someone was trespassing on the mosque.

ahh, i miss those younger years

edit: the funniest part of all this was how livid my gf at the time was that her cavalier got egged. she was too mad to decide what to do so she spat on their car and started crying. it was kind of adorable


Wow, even Chris N. thinks you’re a badass.


Wow, even Chris N. thinks you’re a badass.


agreed, that story was pretty b/a

I’d bet it was just a couple of 13 year olds daring each other to do something dumb. If someone was out to get you they would have used eggs, or rocks, or keys, or something equally damaging.

This just screams random immature prank to me. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I’d bet it was just a couple of 13 year olds daring each other to do something dumb. If someone was out to get you they would have used eggs, or rocks, or keys, or something equally damaging.

This just screams random immature prank to me. I wouldn’t worry about it.


thats kinda what i’ve chaulked it up to…

lol that would be some funny shit when you’re 13

“Billy I dare you to squirt ketchup on that car.”


“What are you chicken”

“I’m not chicken!”


“OMG he’s actually doing it! He’s squirting ketchup all over that car! Teehee!”

“Your turn Johnny!”

“No we’ve got to get out of here!”

“What are you pussy? I’ll tell Suzie that you like her.”

“No no no fine I’ll do it.”


“I think someone’s coming. RUN!!!”

heavy breathing

“Dude that was awesome. We’re so badass!”


lol that would be some funny shit when you’re 13

“Billy I dare you to squirt ketchup on that car.”


“What are you chicken”

“I’m not chicken!”


“OMG he’s actually doing it! He’s squirting ketchup all over that car! Teehee!”

“Your turn Johnny!”

“No we’ve got to get out of here!”

“What are you pussy? I’ll tell Suzie that you like her.”

“No no no fine I’ll do it.”


“I think someone’s coming. RUN!!!”

heavy breathing

“Dude that was awesome. We’re so badass!”


From Justine: FUCK ME!


lol that would be some funny shit when you’re 13

“Billy I dare you to squirt ketchup on that car.”


“What are you chicken”

“I’m not chicken!”


“OMG he’s actually doing it! He’s squirting ketchup all over that car! Teehee!”

“Your turn Johnny!”

“No we’ve got to get out of here!”

“What are you pussy? I’ll tell Suzie that you like her.”

“No no no fine I’ll do it.”


“I think someone’s coming. RUN!!!”

heavy breathing

“Dude that was awesome. We’re so badass!”


there were more cars, which makes me think it was intentional, but i was also the closest one to the front which makes me think it was just the most accessable? i dont know.


it may have been a male friend, too.

newmans don’t realize how bad for a car that shit can be. A pair or more of newmans could have thought this was a cute joke/way of saying hi.


Whenever my car is covered in condiments, i know its just newman wanting to make out with me, but its ok.



Why does nobody around here have any respect for anything. I woke up today to find my car covered in ketchup and mustard


i got this far and just started laughing


oki got this far and just started laughing


It was pretty funny, especially the part where it took me like an hour to clean the mess up and that was luck because the sun hadn’t been beating on it all day.

I will probably look back and laugh, but right now I think its shitty as hell and I dont think you would laugh if it was your car…