no running lights or gauge lights

please help i have no running lights or gauge lights and i’ve looked at all my fuses under the dash and i don’t know were in the relayes to look so please help

this happened to me once, I accendently pressed the hazards when i went to change the song on my radio and then i tried turning the lights on they didnt work no indicators or nothing so i turned the hazards back on and off again and everything went back to normal, perhaps you have something like that probably not even the same thing but its worth a thought

thanks but i tryed that and no that wasn’t it

did you buy your car and it had no lights and cluster lights? or did this just happen one day after leaving it?

it happon one day when i was geting a e test and now one of my fuses have no power at all and i have changed the fuses a few times

look for a loose connection or freyed wire. This tends to happen with older cars that get winter driven.

could you give me a starting place to look ?

since its electrical look under the dash, right under the steering wheel. Look for any unplugged connectors. This could also be an ecu problem perhaps i believe the ecu controls the lights aswell. But for now look under the dash and lets us know what you see

i didn’t see any unplugged connectors but should i take the peace of plastic off as well ?

not nessasarily, at this point go to a garage they will be able to figure it out alot faster. I cant really help without seeing the car

Theres a lttle white box near the fuse panel. It may be fried, usually fries when an aftermarket stereo is installed incorrectly.


What kind of car is it? Without any info on the car i would take a stab and say that the Daytime running light module is messed up (obvioustly not a problem if its a us car) it does really wierd things when it burns out. Try tapping it with a hammer or screw driver its usually a little grey or black box under the hood mounted on one of the strut towers or close behind the passenger side headlamp. Its a very common problem on infinity and nissans. When you tap it one or more lights may come on or you might have to check it with a test light. If its not that then possibly a light switch or bcm problem. All of the parts are interconnected so you will probably need a wiring diagram if tapping the DRL module doesnt work.

the car is a 89 s13 hb

what is the year of the car, and i will get you a pinpoint wiring diagram, so you can check powers and grounds

its a 1989 and i also can’t change my heater fan direction