day 13, the itching is driving me nuts
Business as usual for me lol.
EXACTLY what I thought when I saw this :rofl. Family Guy FTW
Mine is gonna have to go, hating it right now.
soooo itchy
Still Awating a picture of Cossey.
my lincoln fuz is coming in nicely. I trimmed up a bit 2 days ago to look slightly less homeless. And I focused the camera so it wouldnt get my thinning hair so Brett wont make fun of me on this one. :rofl
there is no trimming for no-shave November!
Trim up november itt.
there is when your wife threatens to take away the poon if you dont shave!!!
no-shave-november sometimes turns into no-poon-november. Im not scared.
Not scared at all. Fuck it.
Whenever I participate in a no shave November the lady always threatens that she will too. It’s always a bluff though. And anyhow the ladies on those Internet movies still shave so its all good.
tell her to fuck off if she can’t take a joke
Telling her to fuck off would be me not being able to take her joke.
Wait until she’s asleep and leave pecker tracks all over her face. Tell her if she reminds you to shave again her eyes will be stuck shut by morning.
^ you have an itchy neck beard like me. horrible.
Thanksgiving bump