Non-Club Related FS posts

I tried to look in here to see if this has been talked about and could not see anything so I did search. My problem is seeing FS posts like this Now I could understand if we were a JDM board, or just a general import tuner site but we are not this club is about 240’s. This FS post is done by a member that obviously only uses his account for selling junk due to having 30 some odd posts and I have seen his avatar and name a while back. The motor is a Honda and has absolutly nothing to do with our cars.
I can understand that maybe there are a few honda guys lerking around or someone might see it and tell a friend but honest I would like to see somewhat of a rule that if you want to sell stuff on the site it should be 240sx related or it should go in the other stuff section at the very least. Just a thought.

Many 240 owners have more than one car, sometimes even a Honda.

The non 240 owning members are very few and far between to cause any real problem, imo.

I’d have to agree with Marc on this one. As far as I’m concerned the more available here… the better.

My sister drives a Honda. If she happened to be looking for this motor maybe I would refer her to this guy. :slight_smile:

Just a lame example, but you get the point.

ill sell you sister a motor!! :wink:

but ya really, there have been a few things I found on here that had nothing to do with my 240 but were quite usefull for something els.

I say as long as they are not here to just sell stuff and not communicate

imo this should go into ‘other items’