Non-Smoking Bars in South Side

What are some bars down there that are smoke-free? I know FatHeads is now. What are some others?

What are you some kind of pussy or something?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


ha ha

No, I smoke. You’ll want to talk to my pussy friends about it though.


Can anyone give me a serious answer?

Marios website said smoke free

Who cares, light one up wherever you go and see what happens.

Again, this is not for me. This is for my friends. We’re going down there for a bachelor party and the majority of the group is anti-smoking. That includes the groom. I’m trying to be nice and plan out to go to the smoke-free bars for him. If there aren’t any down there, that’s fine. I just want to know if there are any others down there that are smoke-free.

Holy hell use google

rent a bus…

I had no idea you could do that. Thanks.

for mine we rented a 14 person limo bus and drank like fishes on it and just drove around…

it got rave reviews.

marios saturday nights!! sick!!!

Marios, every night last time I checked. The other side is smoking.

Non smoking ftw. You guys can have your cancer, I’ll pass.

this thread cracks me up.

Lets be concerned about second hand smoke and cancer but not the fact that you go to a bar to drink alcohol which comes with slue of heath problems of its own.

nobody mentioned they were getting hammered up. maybe going to get 2 glasses of wine that helps your body out.

PS this is not me… i will get hammered up and inhale all the 2nd hand smoke as long as there is hot vagina to look at and be too much of a pussy to convince to come home with me. :confused:

That is a nit picky point. no one said there will be a line of chain smokers at the bar either plus it is a bachelor party. Im willing to bet more than a few people get tuned up.

oh well. It does not matter to me either. I don’t mind getting tuned up at a watering hole and inhaling second hand smoke while looking at some fine trim.