Noob Question (Shifting)

never lift off the throttle while up shifting!!! only way to drive a standard!!!


  • don’t shift until it’s bounced off the limiter a few times, and then just keep your foot planted and rip the shifter into the next gear as hard as you physically can.

if you punch yourself in the face it’s not my fault

oh and you just flatshifted, congrats :rofl

Flatfoot shifting ftw! The only way to go when stunnin’

Wow, I am really surprised this stayed serious for a good half a page. Good job Shift!


No roll back on any hill. I heal toe like Im about to brake stand a burn out and then start releasing the clutch before I release the brake. Its great for when the dick behind you pulls up on your ass on Hoosick St in Troy. Other advice above I also agree with, but NOT the GT5.Slow clutchless shifts!

Does the firebird have drive by wire like the Cobalts, so you can let the clutch out and the computer adds throttle even though you tell it not to? :lol

Haha wow Hoosick St has to suck so bad, bunch of assholes always driving up there.

LOL … good post man, good educated post

yep i do that on cars i didnt drive before, so i can get used to the clutch… but as u do it more and more, putting your heel on the floor isnt needed

:rofl perfect … i’de plus rep but i need to calm down

thats pretty gay that the car will do that…


Get to a parking lot, or have someone else get you there.

Park the car perpindicluar to all the parking spots, front end on one line. Like Kramer said, let off the clutch in 1st and rev it to about 1300rpm. once the car starts to more forward, let the clutch pedal stay in that position (mid travel somewhere just above the engaugment point) and dont fully get off the clutch until the front end of the car passes into the next parking spot… about 15 feet or so.

As long as you dont dump the clutch all the way out until you cross into the next aprking spot it is impossible to stall it… and as long as your revs arnt through the roof your not slipping the clutch a shit ton.

I taught many people how to drive standard that way in no time, and even bikes that same way.

Up shifting can be hard for different cars, my cougar beater car had some super soft motor mounts and some CV shaft slop and it made up shifts very jerky. my jetta has practically solid motor/trans mounts and shifts like a rock. it all depends.

key is to press in the clutch and get off the gas in ONE STEP. If you go to up shift and here it rev up your not getting off the gas quick enough. If you go to up shift and your head hits the steering wheel, your not pressing in the clutch fast enough.

Once you get the disengaugment down, the shift and re-engaugment is made alot easier if you try to do it very fast… honestly. disengauge it smooth, while your pressing in the clutch, put a little pressure on the shifter towards the nutral position towards the next gear… as soon as you press the clutch in you will feel the shifter kick out almost by itself. hit the next gear and get off the clutch faster than you do when you start out in 1st. tap the gass a little bit and your going in the next gear.

1st to 2nd takes a little bit of gas when you get off the clutch.
2nd to 3rd takes a little LESS gas than above to get off the clutch
3rd to 4th takes a little LESS gas than above to get off the clutch
4-5th take like zero gass to get off the clutch.

Again like everyone said understand the way the transmission works, the ratio differences between each gear get shorter and your notice the revs dont drop as much as the lower gears when you shift up through.

A lot of drive by wire cars do this. VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Ect…

Gen III LSX are all cable throttle bodies. No computer to disagree with my throttle inputs.


I’m going to disagree with all of the posts offering advice on how to do this and how to do that.

Get the car to an open space, parking lot, vacant road, w/e. Get in it and drive it until you figure the shit out. It is the best way for you to learn and it is how I learned. Don’t be an idiot and try the same technique twice if it didn’t work the first time. This way, you will learn how YOU are going to drive the car. If you are thinking to much about it then it will take you forever to get right.

Just hop in the thing, and do what you have to to make it work.

Simplified, that’s the “practice makes perfect” theory, which is what I was saying, but to start out, I recommend the no-gas start a few times to get a feel for the specific clutch that you’re working with.

Great idea. once you figure it out just jump online and click this link: CLICK ME

Thanks man, I’ll be getting a better set once I master this one :D.

I’ve been driving in cities, I’ve never done the parking lot clutch only advice, which I’m gonna do in like 10 min because I’m still not used to the clutch.

just go realllllll slow so you know right when the RPMs start to drop/the car starts moving

Yup but for now I don’t let that happen often, I rev up to about 1300 until it starts to move more then apply more gas, easiest way for me, everyone learns differently.

yeah obviously thats what you want to do in regular driving but you asked for suggestions and im suggesting that you dont add gas to better learn your clutch