Hey guys. My 240 has been in storage for the last month and a bit, i just bought it before it started snowing etc. and left little room to drive it, but today and the last few days its been out and about.
So, today my buddie who also owns a 240 said he wanted to take it for a spin around the block, so i agreed and we were off. He said first off that it has “no balls” or something and that it wasnt kickin like it should. Then he said that how the gears and RPM’s were weird, for example, in first gear it would barely go past 20 on the speedo, but would be reving way up at like 5000 RPM, so you basically need to switch from first to second pretty soon after launch off. I am new to manual/standard transmission cars, so im not too sure if i should be takin his advice, maybe its just like that, i dunno.
Also, once again im new to standard driving, but when im lets say in second gear approaching a stop sign, i brake, then clutch and neutral, before the car comes to a complete stop but is going slow enough, the car doesnt seem to want me to press it into first gear. Once im at a complete stop, it pops into first ok, but im new to this and was wondering if it should still be going into first gear while almost at a stop, for a faster start.
One last thing as well. In first gear lets say 4000 RPM and i wana switch to second gear, boom goes, but feel like somethings almost grinding when slipping into second, and yes, im shifting properly.
Anyways, was wondering if you guys knew what the problems could be? The engine is pretty “Old” its got alot of KM on it 308,000. But i dont think it has to do with that, more the tranny. Please dont flame me im just a newbie with a question, hopefully not a stupid one…
If you need to rev past 5000rpm and your only going 20 than your clutch is on the verge of going out. About the part where your driving and u want 2 downshift in to first gear you need to be going slow for that if i understand what your saying I think your going too fast.
i think the clutch mite be a good idea, either that or your speedo is way off lol and you guys cant judge your speed.
anyways as for the car going into first, 240s dont have first gear syncro, so you have to be going about 3km/h and under to get it to go in, you will learn soon how slow you actually have to be going to get it into first…
as for my sr trans, i can put it in first when going way fast. and it almost seems i have a reverse syncro, i can be rolling down a hill in reverse and put it in without a issue at all. like i can drive in first, then put it down into reverse without a problem…i like
you also dont have a reverse syncro, so you have to be at 0km/h to put your car into reverse.
Hey dude, I’m in a similar situation as you. I bought the car Mid October…So not much driving time on it before winter. That grinding from first to second that you’re describing is partially the cold weather… Switching to synthetic will smooth that out a bit. For the most part, I’m guessing that grinding goes away after you’ve driven the car for about 1-2 Km’s. As for everything else you’ve described…It’s time for a new clutch and make sure the throwout bearing gets done too.
I dont think its the clutch, when i bought it the guy said it was new, i dunno what new is but even if a year old it should be good still. So i dont think thats the problem.
Some people will say anything to make a sale… Anyway, it’s not the end of the world but be prepared. It could be any day now that it gets to the point where you won’t be able to drive it. Start thinking about the best way to get a new one in there.
Ok hold on, when i was describing this, i was over exaggerating or at least i thought i was right but, at 5000 RPM its not going 20 km/h, at 4000 RPM is at about 40 km/h. Does this mean my clutch is still gonna go soon?
lol, it might… but 40k@4000 sounds a little more reasonable. Next time your driving, get it into second and slow right down to about 2000 rpm. Make sure you’ve got straight dry road and just floor it. You should expect your revs to increase gradually with your speed if your clutch is holding. On the other hand, if your revs jump up right away and you’re not really accelerating then your clutch is slipping or your spinning your back wheels. Or you could simply take it to Mister Transmission and have them do a free road test(if you trust them)…