trust me, i do believe it’s ridiculous to imprison people for the use/sale of herb, BUT dumb laws are still laws until you have the legislature or judiciary to change them. i know there are a billion uses for marijuana other than getting baked…
what they dont see or smell, wont hurt them.
“Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance gave $4.65 million”
Insurance for weed program
good program :blue:
its about states rights, its about personal freedoms, its about the government legislating what we do behind closed doors in our own homes that has no bearing whatsoever on other peoples lives. Its about freedom, tolerance, and acceptance. Its about being able to live your own life without the government telling you what you can and cant do. My government gives people guns and gives them the ability to come into my house, forcibly take me away and put me in jail for posessing a plant that grows indigenously in ditches and fields across the nation solely because our nations leaders have a moral opposition to it. That is wrong on a plethora of different levels and it sets a VERY dangerous precedent.