North Dakota blizzard

that’s b/c farmer ted has a generator and he was able to stay in his house. He wasn’t put in the local gym w/ a thousand other farmer Teds…

We all make typos once in a while.:wink:

I wrote in the original post that this was emailed to me.
I did not say this guy is 100% right on everything he says including spelling.
It is just fun to watch the attack dogs on NYSPEED.

it’s fun to watch the idiots too

there is only one thing that can cure all this … more cowbell!!

yes… yes it is

<3 barf political forum. I can have fun reading that all day

Was that directed at me?

it took my post about 20 mins to be misunderstood but thats ok. I will try and clear up what i meant.

In a severe blizzard like the one in N. Dakota with excessive wind and 44 inches of snow, that is increadibly dangerous. If you have even been out on the plains you would notice how flat everything is. Combine 44" of snow and high winds and you will have ridiclious snow drifts.

If you were stranded or outside somewhere during the blizzard you will probably freeze to death in -50 to -60 degree wind chills. It would be a complete white out making travel impossible. If someone was caught outside frost bite would begin to set in within minutes

IMO conditions inside that blizzard are more deadly and dangerous than the AFTER Katrina conditions.

It’s true the blizzard wont really damage many buildings, but odds are the power was knocked out from the high winds. It doesnt sound like fun to me to be out of power and possibly heat during that blizzard

however… once the snow melts things will basically go back to normal, whereas NO is still fucked and ravaged from the flood waters

once the snow melts and power is restored in N Dakota life returns to normal, but NO will never be back to what it was.

The only point i was trying to make is that conditions were far more extreme DURING the blizzard, then the POST-katrina mess.

If it came down to actually riding out the blizzard or the hurricane, i would take my chances riding out the blizzard. hurricanes are by far more deadly and have far more destructive power than blizzards have.


yeah let’s compare danger to life from the elements durring a blizzard and after a hurricane…wouldn’t it be better to compare danger DURRING a blizzard to the danger DURRING a Cat 4 hurricane?

I’m not 100% sure, but i think i remember reading somewhere that Katrina actually hit NO with less strength than was originally thought, and that it was possibly a cat 3.

If i get bored later i will try and look it up

what ever floats your boat there joe :wink: (compare what you want, but his statements are still valid imo)

duece… I believe you’re right

Ok cat 3…WHATEVER…if you’re going to compare 2 storms AT ALL…you should at least compare them in an intelligent manner…like DURRING v. DURRING or AFTER v. AFTER

Hurricane Katrina was the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. It killed 1,300 people, ravaged five states along the Gulf Coast and all but destroyed New Orleans.

So you can’t really compare ANYTHING with the worst natural disaster in US history…


It was Toyota who decided to build a plan in Canada than in the south because the workers are less intellignet and lazier in the south.

Your grammar sucks! There is supposed to be a period at the end of that sentence. Since you didn’t use one, you are obviously an idiot and should not be taken seriously. :roll:

^true story.

^2 :word: x a billion.

And don’t forget the capital “I” on "it’s. Such uncivilized barbarians when will the madness end!

all i’m gonna say is the people in new orleans were dumb enough to live there in the first place, so that proves how smart the south is right there :rofl: