North Dakota blizzard

:biglaugh: I wouldn’t put my artistic ability against that creation.

I’m a pretty strong swimmer, I’ll take the hurricane over 90mph freezing winds any day.:biglaugh:

Seriously though, I can’t believe some of you don’t see the difference.
The point wasn’t to say, “My storm was worse than yours”.
The point is the reaction of the victims.
Like I said, farmer Ted didn’t didn’t see this as an opportunity to rape, plunder and pillage then bitch that Bush didn’t rush to his rescue.

dude, whatever

vw’s suck

then by the same token, if your argument is independent of storm power, then next time we get a foot of snow i am going to make a thread about how the north is 100 times better than the south because we didn’t rape some fucking stupid bitches during our little storm. seriously, if the storm DESTROYED this area of north dakota, then your comparison would be legit, otherwise, your argument is null.

When people bitch about winter weather I always say, “It builds character”.

Why do you think the south has more “trash” per capita?:biglol:

Didn’t Katrina pass and everyone was stoked that there wasn’t much damage, until the levees broke?

Read point number 4 of my previous post.

if that is your only valid point, then your whole argument pretty much craps. See point number 1 in my previous illustration.

Can you honestly say with a straight face that there is at least .001% chance that the scene we saw in N.O. would happen in N.D.?


There is. Its all the worthless negros. Now beack to me needing a motor… whos going to help?


the chances of a hurricane of such proportion in ND is probably less than .001% so, no, i can’t say that i disagree.

Thanks for looking that up for me.:smiley:

I am assuming that was meant to be humorous.

it was, and i am not disagreeing that there are cultural differences between north and south, but i don’t think your example accurately brings this to light.

a better example would be that southern companies pay more for workers from the north.

which car company was it that put their factory in another country because the southern workers couldnt read… nor could they understand pictures?

good stuff

LOL, Ford?

Southern schools give their left nut for teachers from the north.

lol and teachers from the north still suck balls (atleast from lakeshore)

Do you know why? Becuase there’s a fucking population density difference that is off the charts. There are 31 TIMES MORE PEOPLE PER SQ/MI in NO than the ENTIRE FUCKING STATE of ND.

Pick ANY major city in the north (Buffalo, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, etc…) and shut off all roads in/out, power, water, food etc… for 4 days and you’re going to see the same shit you saw in NO…which was a SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THE POPULATION COMMITING CRIMES on a large and frequent scale due to lack of law enforcement. Guess what, NO is a major city, like all major cities it has gangs…gangs are groups of rival social groups when you put them in a closed off building together for a couple days with little or no resources shit is going to happen.

I didn’t … I just know my phonics. pilage would be PILE-age, because the a makes the i long when there’s only one consonant. add another L and it makes it PILL-age.

as for this whole ND/LA thing… those the states and disasters shouldn’t be compared because they’re not alike in any ways other than they’re states who experienced disasters

… and really, that letter is stupid as hell. even if he did have a legitimate point, which he didn’t, he still used an 's for a plural noun and capitalized it what it wasn’t part of a formal title, which makes him a dumbass, and therefore not credible.

“·Our Mayor’s did not blame Bush or anyone else”
