North Hills SCC 2008 Auto-X Schedule

So Steve…is there a reason you posted a link to the 2005 season on the Steel Cities website rather than the current information on the NHSCC website? omg lolz wtf bbq!!!

And for anyone whos a first timer or has little experience the drivers school is official for April 5th!

It was a failed attempt at throwing you off. I didn’t realize what link I posted…ahahahaha:confused:

Speaking of which Steve you can probably get into the drivers school at NP, get the throttle bodies of doom ready!

Man, I’m workin on it…I only have one functional hand to reassemble stuff. It sucks.

and by assemble you mean :jerkit:

Were you there last year…or prior years? I was there last year (Red WS.6) with Smokey (Black WS.6)…and I went to a couple years before.

Yeah I met you guys there last year. I had the blue miata. Thats sold and I now have a yellow 350z. I will likely try to go again this year to feel out the new car.

I am looking forward to this season, I didn’t run last year, but the year before I had a silver audi TT i ran a few times, looking to make it up this year in my GTI, and eventually my rabbit. But neither are ready at this very minute.

I’m interested and really enjoy autoX. I have been doing the wash AutoX for the last 2 years now. What are some of the more open locations? For example the Washington airport was a little better for the cars with a lack of response…or lag! I’ll travel and just be a guest but I would like to know where it’s a little more open.

It depends, course layout chages every time. Whoever is in charge of setting up/designing the course for that given day will decide. If Chris (Habib88) is in charge is certainly won’t be an “open course” but tight like underage.

You say that like there is something wrong with liking it tight :kekegay:

Yea it depends on course designer and location. The Wildthing’s field is a bit rough since its kinda narrow. On the flipside, last time we were at Washington airport we didn’t have enough saftey room on the back taxiway so they just made it a huge straight. North Park is usually a mix since its on a hill. And usually the trends at beaver (with SCCA) have been towards more open courses.

If your willing to drive to State College the SCCA region there runs at the mid-state airport. Last time I was there my fastest time was well over a minuet and I was using 3rd gear half the time.

Thanks for the responses. I will go to the one’s where there is a chance of some WOT. I guess who really cares I have a great time at them and am in it just for the fun. I would drive to state college if I could tag along with someone.

No worries…Steve’s bf loves it being tight :idb:

I really gotta get my car done, im guessing with a swaped motor and full suspension i will be in the top class?

It is about that time… to move it. spray black, cage it, get tires fixed.

Moving it off our property would be a start to, aspired greatness.

You could do more work and finish it up for auto-x season if it wasn’t sitting in our yard all the time…

it was there before you moved in so whatever

Seriously… is your car in his yard? I want to hear this story!

Atreyu can give you the run down…