North Hills SCC 2008 Auto-X Schedule

i was mad they didnt let get a run in…

Sunday was great…the rain made it fun to try and “drift” an AWD…and we lucked out big time the way the rest of the day dried up…

I liked the course…didn’t have to use mapquest for a change…

Here are the results for anyone that was there on 4/20.

I knew that one Vette was freakin’ fast.

anyone going to the SCR event a beaverun this sunday?

This Sunday is the 2nd to last NHSCC before the pool opens. If you missed the other post I had, we will be having a food drive so please come race and donate to a good cause!

good deal. i’ve got a bunch of stuff at my place i can bring with me. thanks for the heads up chris.

Just trying to help a good cause :slight_smile: And I swear I’ll say hi next time because I’m pretty sure I walked right past you at the SCR event. I had to keep going though because I think Steve was checking out my ass :greddy:

Then the following week is the Huntington’s charity race so plan on going to that too haha.

Steve has no need to look at your ass anymore, I’m pretty sure he has a perfect visual picture of it in his mind already. I hear he has one for every guy me meets.

No worries about not saying hello though. It seems that you are Mr Popular at the events. I was moderately happy with the times I was getting with the RSX. I think with some better tires and a better driver, the car could have done a lot better.

I should be at pretty much every race this year (except for PVGP :frowning: ). This time I’ll even get to drive my “track” car.

I do indeed have pics of his ass…taped to my rearview for inspiration.

I knew I should have wrecked your car while I had the chance.


So almost everything is done for the year minus one autocross. And thats November 2nd at North Park. Its a non-point event thats going to be held weather willing (and right now the forecast looks pretty good). Once this event is past thats it for the 2008 season. I don’t even think Beaverun is planning anything as of this moment, and SCCA is long done. I’ll be out in the civic, probably going to strip it of some of the ricer stickers before it gets stored for the winter. I might make one more guest appearance in the EVO :cool:

I think I am going to try to make it out. I haven’t ran since spring.