north shore connector

the north shore (side, its not a fuckin ocean, i don’t know why the insist on calling it north shore, if anything its the north bank, assholes) is a fucken waste of money and i hope it collapses. the north side is sooo fucked up with contruction. wait till all this bull shit is done and tailgating is a thing of the past. Fuck the leaders in this region for wasting more money than needed. and my fucken mcdonalds is cold from sittin in traffic FUCK

eat while being stuck in traffic

the north shore is a fucking train wreck… i agree with cutty… it’s all been going downhill and fast

you can’t fault the guys rearranging deck chairs on the titanic…

they don’t really have any other options.

(and what was there before the stadiums and other development? crackhouses?)

its bad enough coming to work but not even being able get to my parking garage let alone i gotta walk like a block in the opposite direction becasue there is shit all over the fucken place. pretty soon all the parking lots will be gone and so will tailgating the way its been since the 70’s. And then this fucken casino business, what a mess it will be. we did not need a fuckin connector, people need to walk across one of the 5 fuckin bridges we have comming over. it ruins my fuckin day to come down here and see all the relatively new concrete streets getting ripped up again…what a fucken waste of money… then of course you got the token city boy in blue sitting there on his fucking cell phone doing nothing. why the fuck do you need a cop to sit there, put of some fuckin horses and be done with it. FUCK. Its been never ending down here since i started in 01. i can’t even bring my SS down here without having to wash it everyday when i go home. its fuckin maddening! i wanna take onorato’s face and stick it up his own ass. thats goes for him and the rest of the clown crew we got for fuckin politcal leaders in this fuckin region and state.

I can’t wait till its done. I won’t have to walk across the bridge anymore carrying my heavy case of beer. Thanks cutty for paying city taxes!

agreed its stupid. how much of a deficit is the port authority under? they have to cancel routes but can build that stupid thing, they tear up great roads but my road looks like it was carpet bombed, i called the mayers 311 line and complained. they came out and fixed the first pothole on the road.hello idiots the whole road sucks!..i got some that are a 3 feet wide and over a foot deep! i’m almost ready to back the truck up to the public works yard and tell them to drop some cold patch in the back and i will fix it myself.

you do understand the US goverment is giving them the money to do it. If they didnt take the money, it would have been given to another city or state. So we are basicly getting a free tunnel. Not to mention the ability for future expansion of the T.

why not take your advise and park in town and walk across a bridge.

no such thing as free money,it’s called tax dollars of which i pay more than enough living here. i don’t understand how states like florida manage without state taxes,county taxes,city taxes,once a year privilage tax and all the other taxes we pay here.

Hey just wait until they plop a fucking casino onto the North Shore and see how traffic is. I’m so glad I have no reason to go over there, except for some Peppi’s every now and then.

Almost half a billion dollars…maybe they could have used the money to run the damn T out to Monroeville Mall. That would have given commuters in the east an alternative to the Parkway East while also reducing traffic on said Parkway. I have no problem carrying my beer over the bridge!

But if it went out to the mall, then where would you park???

just wait till the monfayette is completed. That will help out some.

Thats a given, obviously money the goverment uses is tax dollars. But what does living in pittsburgh have anything to do with the federal tax you pay?

Also your not the only one who pays taxes. So dont act like your tax dollars alone are funding this project.

Thats a given, obviously money the goverment uses is tax dollars. But what does living in pittsburgh have anything to do with the federal tax you pay?

Also your not the only one who pays taxes. So dont act like your tax dollars alone are funding this project.

you can’t fault the guys rearranging deck chairs on the titanic…

they don’t really have any other options.

(and what was there before the stadiums and other development? crackhouses?)


If you honestly preferred the porno shops, cardboard floor coke bars, and crackhouses to what they’re trying to do now…well, you think differently then I do.

i am glad i been gone for over 3 years now