Northway crash kills 2, injures 2

Not trying to be a dick at all but are they even sure he was drunk?

And also heard on the news they were estimating his speed at around 75 that can’t be right seeing the damage… Want real info here news sucks

Holidays will never be the same for these families. R.I.P. and condolences to everyone involved.

They just had a candle light Vigle at Shen. It was quite impressive since i Can see the Shen football stadium from my apartment
A very sad situation.

Definitely awful


My supervisor was one of the chiefs from the fire departments called for extracation.

The driver of the other car was breathilized at the road side, but because he wasn’t in shape to go back to the station to puff into the machine, blood tests were taken to confirm.

The Explorer with the kids inside was going 75ish, following the flow of traffic. The guy that clipped them, speed is unknown but logic would tell you he’s in the passing lanes so it might be more. That doesn’t matter though, he could have been doing the same speed as the kids were, and still clipped them.

The damage is substantial because explorers at highway speed don’t usually respond well to a pit maneuver. It rolled a bunch of times down the highway. Most of the pictures you see are after FD cut the roof and doors off btw.

Side note, my supervisor was at the school last night. He said the teen that survived was escorted last night to attend the vigil and was helped to the field. It was very emotional at that point he said this morning. The football and baseball team ran over and hugged him and showed their support. Unfortunately the fucking news scumbags also rushed him alongside the friends and family there and were pressuring them all for comments. The police should NEVER have allowed press anywhere near that thing. I understand silently televising it for support and awareness, but its no place or time to get comments.

I watched that on the news, that kid is a fucking hoss for being able to show up there and go through that emotionally.

Yeah mad props for that kid showing up, heard he was given a ride in a ambulance with a state police escort.

Yep. Troopers in front and back of the ambulance

Name has changed its Dennis toomer… That was driving the volvo and I’ve worked on that car…

I read he used to have the last name toomer then changed it after his father passed.

Yea he has a kid, his family has money so sadly I doubt he’s going to be doing any jail time

His car was burning oil really bad too, I really hope that wasent a stunt to total the car…

This kid is doing time. He’s not getting out of this one.

They will make an example out of him. Family money will not stop the jail time hes getting.

Killing 2 kids and Hospitalizing 2 more is a pretty shitty stunt

He won’t have to worry about his car where he’s going

just heard on the radio Bailey Wind was released from the hospital good news from a sad story

Bailey just found out about the deaths yesterday ! This is a bittersweet day for her ,getting out of hosp and being happy only to find out your significant other is gone and another friend is as well .

Watching 6 news, apparently he was not .08 drunk, but did have alcohol in his system. No actual charges yet.

The piece of garbage that caused the accident is being represented by Steve coffee so he probably wont go to jail. My opinion he deserves a bullet in the head.

doesnt that lawyer only represent pieces of shit?