Northway crash kills 2, injures 2

If you kill two people while you’re driving intoxicated you should get the death penalty.

Sorry, manslaughter is bullshit here. Not to mention the two other people you severely injured being irresponsible.

inb4 NYS is a pussified state

There is nothing the law can do to punish criminals like this enough… whether they execute him or throw him in jail, he will never feel the pain the families and friends of the victims are in right now. Honestly, I don’t know how the parents could handle a situation like this.

Nothing ever justifies drinking & driving. I have told Wayne and many many of our friends that I would be willing to pick them up regardless of the time of night or pay for a cab. There are always other alternatives to driving. I know the majority of us here have done it at least once or twice, and from personal experience- it SHOULD scare the shit out of you- driving the way he did only makes me believe he has done it numerous times before and truly thinks he is/was invincible.

People are going to drink, smoke, do drugs, have guns- doesn’t mean that everyone that partakes are horrible people- just the ones who do such things and have give no fucks about anyone else and make decisions that negatively impact others.

even the way the story was on the news at first made it seem like the kids in the Explorer were drunk. I didnt know there was another car involved until later on another news channel

Looking at whats left of the truck I doubt seatbelts wouldve saved anybody

true but you never know. It’s a proven fact that if you leave the cabin of a vehicle during an accident that your chances of survival drop right off. Yes there’s always the fluke stuff that goes either way and the belts/no belts debate will continue until we’re all dead and gone but facts are facts.

that truck was messed up for certain though. horrible crap.

I thought the driver who passed away wasn’t ejected. It was the female in the rear seat who got ejected (Deanna), and I think the male in the rear seat (who survived) was partially ejected. (whatever that means)

Either way, it is so sad to see. I saw people on my FB start “liking” the RIP Deanna Rivers and RIP Chris Stewart pages which made me read what happened. So saddening! Too young, and they didn’t deserve to go like this.

Last I heard, the other two passengers, Bailey and Matt were recovering. I don’t know what Matt’s condition is, but I heard Bailey got out of surgery and it went very well.

I don’t know any of the 4, but seeing their pictures makes me feel like I know them - like they could’ve been any one of us, any of our friends or loved ones.

I moved the posts about ilya being a safe texter , keep that b.s out of this thread . Not everything needs to be a pissing match ilya

Get lost John. I wasn’t the one that brought it up. Just ‘defending’ myself. Or is that not allowed?

Oh wait, it’s always my fault. :lol

Have some respect for the thread- John did the right thing.

First off let me say how terrible this is and it hapends way too often. I am 100 % against drinking and driving and think he should without doubt be charged with more then manslaughter even though I think the knowledge of killing two people ( kids ) is a harder thing to deal with then jail.

I don’t agree with this statement, when drinking I think there is a chain reaction in people’s mind that makes the statement above flawed. When sober it is very easy to say oh hey that person is way to drunk to drive but as soon as you get a few beers in you it’s a lot harder to tell. Alcohol itself impairs judgement as we all know so a sober person with good judgement no longer has that and has a screws view on it.

So alcohol is the problem and then the effect of alcohol ( poor judgement ) is still the issue therefore its not people drinking irrisponsibly it’s people drinking in general. This whole thing could have been prevented but as a society and culture won’t give up something like alcohol. The irony is people talking about bad foods for you and cutting out high fructose corn syrup and etc and no one bothers to talk about banning alcohol. Different topic I know but figured I would throw this in there, I know it’s scatterbrained. Terrible events though and a lot of lives were destroyed by this whole thing

you should thank john, that statement from you made you look like a complete clown, it was straight up ignorance

If my kid was in that car, I’m not sure how I would be handling this as a father. I don’t know how I wouldn’t murder this human being that killed my child or anyone that got in my way trying to stop me.

How hard is it to not drive drunk? I pick people up all the time, my phone is always on at night, call me for fucks sakes if you need a lift I don’t give a shit what time it is or where you are.

How could any of you even try to blame alcohol or society or whatever other BS and not the driver who was responsible?!? This is what’s wrong with society today.

I blame the kid but the problem is it occurs so often you have to think hey there might be a bigger problem then this one isolated incident, look at how many dwi, DUI, accidents due to them occur and each and everyone could have ended the same in this tragedy. As I said before it is his fault but we have a bigger problem as a society to deal with

It’s easier to point the finger at someone else than yourself . As a father myself ,if this had happened I would make this kid die a slow painful death however I could . If he was in jail is do suttin to go and handle it . My life without my kids would be over .

Just read on the Deanna Rivers memorial page that Tim Tebow called Matt Hardy (Deanna’s boyfriend who was also in the vehicle).

Very nice gesture of him.

She mentioned she was gonna call the cops this am. Not sure how much if any it will help. But at least it’s on record.

so sad…from losing someone a few weeks ago that was a life long, best friend to a ex gf to this…its sad.

When I heard about this, I almost dismissed this as another case of everyone who was in the SUV being drunk. Truly tragic, and entirely preventable with a bit of personal responsibility (on the part of the drunk fucktard), and some concern for one’s own safety (wearing seat belts). You cannot assign blame to alcohol (plenty of people get drunk and then don’t go drive a motor vehicle), and you cannot assign blame to not wearing a seatbelt in the deaths of these people. Its all in the personal choices we make.

Like KK said, who the fuck cares what you do as long as it doesn’t end up effecting others? That’s the difference between responsibly doing stupid things and irresponsibly doing stupid things. In one case you hurt yourself only, in the other you can take others down with you.

On another note, I feel terrible to do this, but…

What a terrible thing. Nothing worse than young lives taken, especially at the hands of another like this. Whatever price he pays is nothing compared to the price he charged by drinking and driving.

See, its called the lost art of personal responsability.

What he said ^