NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days 2008 [Next Day: Sept 13th] *NEW: Track Timing System!*

Why should there be more then a single flagger around the track. Hmm I don’t know, maybe because you aren’t always in direct view of the single flagger that we had last time. This appeared to be an issue last time, and was brought up at great length, most track days I have been to always use numerous flaggers around the track so that you don’t have to wait to come around to see them. I realize that Dunnville is small, and a plethora of flaggers would be a bit much, but two(one on either end) certainly wouldn’t hurt. From what I have gathered communication between the flaggers was the biggest issue, and why this has been tried and isn’t done today.

I have no idea what you and blue are talking about, when relating it to the number of cars on the track. Are you suggesting that since it is only 12 cars, we shouldn’t take a second look at safety?

Don’t get me wrong, I like the fact that rules are relaxed. Running at Dunnville is about the only thing I can do, until I 4-point cage my car, since most clubs have tightened down on the rules for convertibles. However that being said, last time, there were a lot of complaints with novices not understanding or seeing the flags. Maybe adding more flaggers isn’t the answer. The drivers meeting seemed fairly in depth last time. I am not saying I have answers, hence my original questions.