NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days 2008 [Next Day: Sept 13th] *NEW: Track Timing System!*

Holy poo. :open_mouth:

I might just need to hop all over this. :open_mouth:


WHY DONT THEY ALLOW BIKE! ughh 40 bucks for a day at the track. ugh. thatd be amazing

^Insurance, among other things IIRC.


this used to be a drift day, not gripā€¦

I wear the pants in our house, lol!

I keed, I keed Have fun!

Ummā€¦ It forces me to do a bunch of things Iā€™ve been wanting to push off, so i can make this date

not gonna happen for meā€¦this summer is flying by and putting all my time into my internship is owning my prioritiesā€¦:^(

really wanted to run the car this yearā€¦maybe for the fall BBQ

See you there!!!

Planning on showing a little late, but Iā€™ll rock it until 8.
Thanks for the heads up.

In, buying Soloscoobā€™s spot.

Are you responding to a different Adam? I am confused on how this even begins to answer my questions. I also thought the track limit was 14.

No, heā€™s talking to you. Track limit has always been 12. Why would there be additional flaggers needed for the same number of cars on the field?

Iā€™m in. I got my brother to come with me so I wonā€™t have to do all the driving there and back. Anyone from Rochester want to meet around 9-930 in the morning and cruise together?

Why should there be more then a single flagger around the track. Hmm I donā€™t know, maybe because you arenā€™t always in direct view of the single flagger that we had last time. This appeared to be an issue last time, and was brought up at great length, most track days I have been to always use numerous flaggers around the track so that you donā€™t have to wait to come around to see them. I realize that Dunnville is small, and a plethora of flaggers would be a bit much, but two(one on either end) certainly wouldnā€™t hurt. From what I have gathered communication between the flaggers was the biggest issue, and why this has been tried and isnā€™t done today.

I have no idea what you and blue are talking about, when relating it to the number of cars on the track. Are you suggesting that since it is only 12 cars, we shouldnā€™t take a second look at safety?

Donā€™t get me wrong, I like the fact that rules are relaxed. Running at Dunnville is about the only thing I can do, until I 4-point cage my car, since most clubs have tightened down on the rules for convertibles. However that being said, last time, there were a lot of complaints with novices not understanding or seeing the flags. Maybe adding more flaggers isnā€™t the answer. The drivers meeting seemed fairly in depth last time. I am not saying I have answers, hence my original questions.

I donā€™t care how many track days you have done and with what clubs or whatever, because I know thats where this is going next. All weā€™re telling you is how this is done and has been done for years, and is how the track manager tells us how its done.

Weā€™re telling you the 12 car limit on track is in place and has always been in place. Judging by your first post and the questions you asked, you are concerned if people jump on this, and a million people show up. If we have the entirety of Buffalo show up, thereā€™s still only going to be 12 people on the track and one flagger has always taken care of this.

If you think that there should be a better look at safety, you should bring that up with the manager of the track, Josh, and/or MPD. But from your original question regarding the number of people that are going to show up on Saturday: 12 people on track, one flagger.

I donā€™t know why you would care about how many track days I have done either. I love the assumptions you make though. Clearly you didnā€™t understand my original questions, Thats okay.

I am well aware that only a certain number can be on the track at once, duh. I thought it was 14 but have been corrected with 12. This still leads us back to the original questions of run groups and such. If the whole of Buffalo shows up, or lets tone that down and say 50-100 cars. Then yes, you will want different groups. Typically this is done by skill level, but it certainly doesnā€™t need to be. My original question still stands on how is this going to be done?

As for safety, I donā€™t care if it has been done a certain way for a millennia. It should never be an issue to raise it once again. Your right in that it is best directed at Josh or Mike. I assumed they would be following this thread and would answer the questions. I wasnā€™t at the last event, so maybe things ran smoother, but at the Summer BBQ, when there was a lot of novices, there appeared to be some issues, and discussion was certainly brought up after the event that related to it.

Honestly I canā€™t help but feel that you are giving attitude that simple isnā€™t needed. I feel I posed some good questions about run groups and safety. I also offered to help in anyway needed. Its as simple as that.

Also, since you brought it up, I have only done a handful of events, countless auto-crosses and probably too much street racing. I never have, nor ever will claim to be an expert at this. In fact at the BBQ I was originally put in the advanced group. While I certainly could have remained I would have been one of the slower ones out there. I had only had the car a short while, was new to RWD and it was my first time at Dunnville. I felt it wasnā€™t fair or safe to hold up those use to the track or there cars in the advanced group. I self put myself into novice.

^^^ Frekinā€™ noviceā€¦LOL

Donā€™t get exited. Your original post had good intent, but your wording seems a little off. Your question implies that the volume of cars changes the way safety should be handled, which is where the replies came from.

If your question is in regards to general safety, what specifically are you looking for? Do you think another flag station is necessary?

Josh and I are keeping a close eye on the thread, we do appriciate the discussion and suggestions, I personally will not comment on them here, but feel free to discuss any safety concerns with us at the track. We want EVERYONE to feel comfortable.

You have an attitude that you know better than the event organizers (of which I am not). I was letting you know that I donā€™t care what you think you know, I am telling you again what was originally told to you.

I am well aware that only a certain number can be on the track at once, duh. I thought it was 14 but have been corrected with 12. This still leads us back to the original questions of run groups and such. If the whole of Buffalo shows up, or lets tone that down and say 50-100 cars. Then yes, you will want different groups. Typically this is done by skill level, but it certainly doesnā€™t need to be. My original question still stands on how is this going to be done?
I would imagine that since run groups were used before at the BBQ, that they will be used again. Isnā€™t that a wild and crazy idea? We didnā€™t use run groups on the 21st because there was not enough people there to warrant it.

As for safety, I donā€™t care if it has been done a certain way for a millennia. It should never be an issue to raise it once again. Your right in that it is best directed at Josh or Mike. I assumed they would be following this thread and would answer the questions. I wasnā€™t at the last event, so maybe things ran smoother, but at the Summer BBQ, when there was a lot of novices, there appeared to be some issues, and discussion was certainly brought up after the event that related to it.

You specifically said in regards to the number of people that might show up, is safety an issue. You received your answer to that question. If you have a problem with safety, dig up what exactly is your problem, and address that question in the thread or even better to Mike or Josh in person. Youā€™re getting all uppity about the questions you didnā€™t ask, not the ones you did ask.

Honestly I canā€™t help but feel that you are giving attitude that simple isnā€™t needed. I feel I posed some good questions about run groups and safety. I also offered to help in anyway needed. Its as simple as that.

You posed questions that were answered, then get annoyed at the answers. And gave the whole ā€œare you talking to a different adam, because that doesnā€™t answer my question at allā€ when in fact it answered your question directly. Iā€™m giving you attitude because youā€™re getting extra pissy about that. I am giving you extra attitude because I am a cock. Put down your keyboard and have a beer.

Also, since you brought it up, I have only done a handful of events, countless auto-crosses and probably too much street racing. I never have, nor ever will claim to be an expert at this. In fact at the BBQ I was originally put in the advanced group. While I certainly could have remained I would have been one of the slower ones out there. I had only had the car a short while, was new to RWD and it was my first time at Dunnville. I felt it wasnā€™t fair or safe to hold up those use to the track or there cars in the advanced group. I self put myself into novice.
I told you, I donā€™t care.

does my prepayment for the drift day still hold for this event?

thanks guys

You are completely off base on this one. I know for a fact that Josh and MPD know more then I do.

For someone that doesnā€™t care, you sure have a lot to say.