not allowed to get a bike anymore :(

To sound like a complete asshole in this situation, if it turns out the cop loses his job over this than that is some bullshit. He did his job trying to pull over someone who shouldnt have even been on a bike alone in the first place.

Though seriously, sorry to hear about your cousin. Every time I hear about something like this I have to step back and ask my self if it really is worth it to get on the bike again.

You should see the array of gear I have lined up for future riding.

i have seen gear that when you fall you dont even get a scratch on you. i dont remember if thats out or they were making it but it looked pretty cool. what gear do you have lined up

Seriously, wtf?? How is anyone going to place blame on the Police Officer? The kid had a LEARNER’S PERMIT for the bike, he had his driver’s license REVOKED for a prior which came from a DWI!!! If anything, this is a prime example of what Charles Darwin was talking about with natural selection.

So let me get something straight…

Learner’s permit + revoked license + DWI = ??? FAIL

My god, obviously the kid didn’t learn. Am I the only one who is appauled by this? I’m glad he didn’t hurt anyone else… he could’ve killed some poor innocent bystander by running from the police, or he could’ve injured someone else PREVIOUSLY for his DWI!

The fuckin kid ran from the police, that’s his own fault now.

I know damn well you all might think I’m an asshole from this post… but you also know damn well I’m saying EXACTLY what most of you are thinking. I don’t give a damn, I can’t stand when people place blame on the justice system for bullshit like this. Let’s fault the police officer because some ronald mcdonald wannabe on a motorcycle wanted to run from him because he A.)had a learner’s permit B.)Had a prior for a DWI and C.)had his driver’s license revoked.

If my post offended somebody, the most I can do is apologize…

all points are pretty much summed up and finished. Im going to go ahead and lock this post.

dude completely understand where your coming from. i mentioned in my first post about it that my cousin was stupid and of course im gonna stick up for my cousin over the cop because well… hes family but im not the one saying that the cop deserves punishment im just going by what i heard and was told by fellow family members and friends of that side of the family. im sorry if i got you all worked up i didnt post it for that. all i wanted to do was show how doin stupid shit can get you FUCKED up on a motorcycle and even a car and why im not getting a motorcycle anymore (thus the title haha) so once again im sorry man.

and just for the record this kinda stupidity doesnt run in the family he was the only one in our entire family to get dwi and do dumb shit. i am not like him one bit so if anyones thinking that then dont haha

im sorry i also forgot to ask if you would like to tell what happened to make your crash?
and im sorry about the accident with you hope your leg heals up good