Not such a quick starter install anymore

Well…just took it to the dealership… put the starter on and same problem… My string of bad luck continues… This time where not even getting the starter clicking…its just nothing…and the power to the interior goes very dim often while in process of trying to start…

So I’ve checked the Battery… tested to 100%… tested the starter…spun up…voltage normal. Me and the mechanic looked at all 3 or 4 ground connections…all nice and tight…

So I’m compleltly stumped… Now I have to leave the car in the shop for another day. = $$$$$$ to solve this problem…

Did I mention my new computer caught fire a few days ago… This is been quite the expensive week… Looks like I’m not taking that trip to Cuba I’ve been saving up so hard for…:frowning: Oh and I throw up everyday after I get off the public transit…

This is killin me…


you dont really need experience . Disconnect the battery . Jack the car … Make sure it’s secure . Need a super long extension tool . atached to a 14 mm ( I think ) . two bolt and the starter will fall off . 12 mm to remove the power and unclip the signal . Put in another starter . connect power , clip on signal and put it back exactly the way you removed the other one . Two bolt later , done . I know cause I replaced my own last week and I was my first time doing it . Took me 10 min . :stuck_out_tongue:

you don’t even need to jack the car up. I always change it from up top.


Yeah but going from below was easier.

You don’t even need a jack stand man. Use a curb on the side of the road. The lifts the car high enough to have easy access and you don’t have to worry about it falling. Just put the passenger side wheels up on the curb, leave it in gear and use the parking break too. Bingo that’s it.

Honestly the starter is about the easiest thing to change and can be done even if you don’t have much mechanical knowledge in about an hour. If your good it’ll take 10 min’s ish.

I’d help ya but really, save your money and try doing it.

Good luck brother.

Easy 8)

I’ll be the first to say it. It’s not easy, especially for someone with a lack
of tools or a basic knowhow.

I believe you will need a few extensions and maybe a swivel socket in
terms of tools (besides a ratchet).

Try doing it yourself and see how far you get and then ask for help. It’s
not that hard but it probablly won’t look that easy if you are new to this kind of stuff.

Ya I would of tottaly attempted it myself, but my jacks were stolen a few months ago, and I don’t have a decent set of tools with extentions, swivles etc… Also I had Adam and Avery take it off for me, and they are way too busy now, and I didn’t even see exactly how it was hooked up. I’m just gonna make use of my unused CAA and take this one in… That way if there is still a problem, I’m sure they can figure it out…

Thanks however guys…


Dude that really sucks ass, Im sorry your having such rotten luck.

This may be a stupid question but I’ll ask it anyway, did you check all the fuses and relays, epsecially the ignition fuse. If that’s cooked then nothing will go despite having power and what not. Check the wires, coil and distributer too.

So try that or have the guy do it. That’s a good start to trouble shooting this problem.

Good luck and I hope things turn around for you.

Easy 8)

james I feel for you man, I truly do.

Man, its your wires! you should of let me look at it. What wires did you use to run them to the rear?

type (streo wire or welding cable)
were did you run them? inside or out side? and how did you go through the fire wall?
did you put a fuse close to your battery?

You computer caught fire? car computer?

Best bet get that battery back in the engine bay! or if you have ic piping there get a smaller battery… Every new joint or connection means less electristy flow. went to cuba for $600 A/I, air , 4star ,insurance and best of all didn’t get Hep C