Not sure where to classify this in the Nissan threads....

Slivia forum or Skyline forum? 45444

Well it’s different and a very clean job but I could’nt justify the money spent for something like that.

Cool find though :R

i would let them borrow my s13 if they did that to my car and i got it back…

but like that will ever happen.

now that is an s14. that would make me switch from only driving s13’s anyday.

“that one is for you jon”

That’s one SWEET S14. Very nice and clean changeover…

BUT! I dont see why it would be worth it to him in the end to spend all the cash like that…

It’s not his cash, it’s his company’s (Full-Race) :smiley:

As we all benefit from this. Full-Race is now planning on using this project to market a “kit car” for consumers, where they can buy all the parts (body, frame, drivetrain) and put it all together. Kinda like a modern day “Cobra” kit car.

Ahh… well, that clears it more…

Damn… that’s one expensive promotional car…

Seems like they’re located in New Jersey… I should go visit sometimes (I used to live in NYC).

yah thats crazy… love to have it… plus theygot the money to do it like he said company pays for it. and its worth it in the long run if people need the product :wink: cool find

Well it’s always the shops that have the money to spend on there cars.

Bee-R, Signal and Garage Defend are just a couple of examples. Then of course there’s Top Secret that just loves putting different engine’s in different cars, why? They have the money to spend, facilities to do the R&D and because no one else has done it.

Like I said, it’s a very good clean job but I would’nt personally spend the money on the kit for it.

just read it abit more, they have a second hand brake to control the AWD bias…that’s pretty ghetto haha.

this is offtopic a bit but, where did you used to live david?

i lived in Queens for a bit and worked in manhattan. I’ve been to New Jersey Garden’s since they have NO TAX.

and yes, that car is the tits. very hot indeed, but with what 30gs i’m sure we could put a better AWD system in an S14. I remember this new car from subaru that was on TOP GEAR that you could switch the LSD and make it a pure gripping car. it was posted on son240sx before, forgot what it was called. you could change the lsd gears or something and make it a whole new car. very unique.

I lived in Queens/Forest Hill/Bayside (moved around few times) for a total of 4-5 yrs. I didn’t work, I was still in jr. high back then.

Went back in August this yr… so weird with no WTC :frowning: .

I wonder how the ATESSA system still work with the handbrake switch to control the bias? WTF… i’m so confused now…

Are you thinking of the Prodrive P2? Cause if you are, prices mean nothing cause they’re not going to produce the car…it was an engineering exercise for Prodrive…