Not that anyone has money on here... (10%+ APR inside lol)

The company I work for (Counsel Financial ) is offering 10%+ APR on investments…safe money too (certainly safer than some of the crazy markets out there)

$50K is the minimum investment level.

12% APY on investments $500K or larger.

This company has been around for 10 years.

A MAJOR financial institution has invested $50,000,000 in the company.

Tell your rich friends

or PM for actual details


Note: I do marketing for this company and our sister company…New investments is not my field so I cannot answer all of your questions, but if you’re serious I can pass you along to someone who can.

For all of the people on here that have no money…

What is the minimum investment?

send prospectu

curious about the same thing, and how long is the investment held?

Yeah, send me some info Foo.


12% APY on anything over 500K

I’ll post a lot more details shortly

yay i got rich friends

i got 5 on it

ive got some referrals for him… depending on terms. :tup:

Minimum is 50K…

hrm, only 49995 more to go

anyone wanna float me?

I’m scanning in the packet now and will send SERIOUS people a link to the PDF…

sure… I’ll loan You the full 50k. 8.25% apr

that’s still a free 1.75% to him on money he’s borrowing to invest…:lol:

i’ll take a free 1.75% on 50k
i love free money

^ exactly.



Hey… I’ve seen many a people do it. All a matter of terms


pm’s sent :tup:

where’s the good doctor and MisterO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ @?

First post updated

pm info plz.!


Pm me please