Not to be eerie... (Death related.)


WHAT? I don’t know. He was 18. It was the fatal one car accident that happend on Rt.5 right after the 18mile creek bridge in Hamburg.


just heard that some kid from the local i think got killed in a car accident

  1. No friends have died, but my fiance’s father kicked 4 years ago at the ripe old age of 49. :tdown:

I’m 45, ya, old enough to be father to most of you (except Butch). I’ve lost friends and family. Every day when I look in the mirror, I think this could be my last day here. Make the most of it 'cuz you never know!

  1. The only peer i can think of is Domerick.

21, i havent had anyone close to me die.

Unfortunately, It’s in my sig…

I am 38 and the only close person to me to die was my mom and that was less than 2 years ago.
It was very hard to have my mom be the first person close to me to die.
When my mom died my wife was pregnant with our first child.
My mom was the greatest, I wish my duaghter could have known such a great person.

25… none of my friends have died, although some relatives have.

edit: i think 4 is a huge #, especially if you’re only 18. that sucks… were they close friends, or just acquaintances?

26 now…lost my best from at age 16 to suicide (clinical depression+complications with medications). Life definitely changed after that day, you really learn to appreciate the small things after you loose someone close to you. Being a pall bearer that young isn’t something anyone should ever have to deal with either.

Fortunately, I’ve not had to go through that pain again and wouldn’t wish it upon anyone…

23 one best friend last year, Depression, he OD on DXM. I’m a straight edge and I tried to talk him out of drugs… they F* you up and your life.

(he started with pot, ONLY did pot and DXM)

my lilbrother is a pot head, hes failing in school, has no job no car no life and hes 18 almost 19. yep drugs are great. :tdown:

altho I guess I road with Dom and Mike, I was only aqaintances far from close friends still makes you think about Riding, one of the reasons I sold the rocket. I walked away SUPER lucky when I crashed.


Sorry to hear :tdown:.

I’m 22. I’ve been to more funerals than I like to think about. When I was a senior, a very close friend of mine died in a car accedent. He lived across the road from me. The shittyest part was I had talked to him only a few hours before it had happened. I was helping him work on his car. I have a pic of me and him getting on the bus together for the first day of school…R.I.P.

21, had one friend pass away in bike accident

not to go off topic, but if one of your “best” friends commits suicide… what kind of friend are you? sure maybe some people are going to do it regardless, but can’t you see the signs of it? i don’t understand that…


not to go off topic, but if one of your “best” friends commits suicide… what kind of friend are you? sure maybe some people are going to do it regardless, but can’t you see the signs of it? i don’t understand that…


Ignorant statement of the year?

not ignorant. if one of my best friends was depressed, and i thought they were in trouble, i would DO SOMETHING about it. at least try to help.

the ignorant thing is letting/watching it happen.

20- lost 2 close friends

one was suicide related to drugs
and the other was car accident

I have lost 2 close friends…One of them was on UBRF he had MrSmiths old teg.


not to go off topic, but if one of your “best” friends commits suicide… what kind of friend are you? sure maybe some people are going to do it regardless, but can’t you see the signs of it? i don’t understand that…


Until you’ve been in the situtation you won’t be able to comprehend how helpless of a feeling one has. Yes you can see signs but no matter what you do depression isn’t something that you can just turn off…there’s some serious shit going on in there heads that creates highly irrational thoughts. I was with Matt as often as I could, let him know I was there for him, as well as his family and countless other friends. All it takes is one slip, and in his case a pull of the trigger and it’s all over, just like that.


Until you’ve been in the situtation you won’t be able to comprehend how helpless of a feeling one has. Yes you can see signs but no matter what you do depression isn’t something that you can just turn off…there’s some serious shit going on in there heads that creates highly irrational thoughts. I was with Matt as often as I could, let him know I was there for him, as well as his family and countless other friends. All it takes is one slip, and in his case a pull of the trigger and it’s all over, just like that.


your right

its much easier to post on the internet saying blah blah, didnt you see this or that

but until someone has to actually live thru something like that its totally different