Not to be eerie... (Death related.)

Teens, and Older ppl need to worry i think!

im 26. ive only had one close friend die and that was about 4 yrs ago in a motorcycle crash. it really messed me up for awhile. i had no idea how to handle it and spent literally 3 days by myself in my apt. just thinking bout life and how much i enjoy it


25 and have lost 5 friends

sorry to hear dawn… I assume it was that accident on rt.5?


Yep, right after 18 mile bridge coming from derby on 4-10-07. Dawn, did you see the giant cross me, banzer, and some other people put up. It has abunch of pictures and his name and dates. It looks real nice.

Lost a good buddy of mine when I was 16. He decided life was to much for him and shot himself in the head on Halloween. Was tough for me to understand at such a young age.

22, none of my friends have past, but with the recent happenings, it really makes you think about your own life and the decisions we make on a day to day basis.

Eh. I have no particular desire to be alive.

But when I see crap like this, people who have had their lives cut short, I feel somewhat more compelled to do something meaningful with my life.

But to follow along with the thread. I have lost a parent at a very early age, I have lost many family members, I have lost many friends.

its bad. But we all cope in our own ways.


Yep, right after 18 mile bridge coming from derby on 4-10-07. Dawn, did you see the giant cross me, banzer, and some other people put up. It has abunch of pictures and his name and dates. It looks real nice.


Nah, I tend to avoid going down Rt.5 now. Just like I avoid Old Lakeshore and Lake. But I’ll check it out. That’s real nice of you guys.
