NOT WORK SAFE : would u bang my gf?

did i just make you mad enough to call me a hick. :rofl :rofl :rofl

cardio wise we were both gasping for air trying not to die haha

i dunt do cardio right now. tried the other day and ankle wouldnt let me. :frowning:

Would smash. Post moar.


no way! i dont think u could ever make me mad, but doesnt change the fact that u have a cowboy hat with a used spark plug attached to it. :thumbup

oh you fucking cocksucker

i was all

haha fuck him im gonna fap to this pic of his girl

click unedited post


In all honesty, I had the same problem with my ex. She thought no guy wanted her and all that.

But in your situation, I never told her if I thought what she was wearing was not appropriate. She’s hot, guys are going to want to fuck her. I trusted her enough to know that if a guy hit on her nothing would come of it.


yea same here but doesnt change the fact that i want to murder them haha. i never use to be like this either. i think past relationships fucked up my head from being cheated on u know

Holy shit she is tore the fuck UP.

GTL abs right thur

shes about…10lbs more than that now bc we are bulking her. the pic of her in the fishnets and thong was last weekend. it was SQUIRT TASKIC! HAHA

i think she could kick my ass.

Holy shit look at those lats.

shes too ripped to be a girl!!! post pics of her boobs to prove female identity :slight_smile:

not happening, but she did say that u and tracey could see after she gets them done in january.

Fucking A right!!!

fuckin A

but im paying for them. Fuck my life :frowning:

but once everything is settled i will get something nice, car wise. back to fuckin A!!!
