NOT WORK SAFE : would u bang my gf?

i expect a #1 vote for that T

you’re kidding right??? Trace likes tits more than I do.

i know and i love it!

we should tape them playing with each others tits and sell that shit son! make mad doll hairs

sorry dreaming again

i’m fine with that.

E, I expect a text every time you post a pic so I can see before you remove it. I resent you right now.




LOL @ who voted “no” on the poll.

Sending text

who voted no?!??!?!

click the numbers and find out. one of them likes Dick and the other is a female

Dudes, it’s a public poll. Sean(psi2high) and Yo Rita voted no.

OH GOD DAMNIT!!! :facepalm :facepalm

god damnit e… im in the hospital waiting for my old mans ct scan to get done open this up hoping for some win and everythings rempved… please pm pics :rofl

Ahahahahahaha fuck all of you

I voted… I see no pics… That’s fucked.

Option 1 and I would bludgeon you and take her as my own!

option 1.

and current t’s are fine. but the more the merrier, right? up to and not beyond D’s

Voters of options 1 and 2 are now on E’s hitlist. By hitlist I mean people to kill. By kill I mean bludgeon with barbells.

:lol Well add me to that list because yeah i’d be after a chick like that if I was single.

:looking over shoulder for E- attakz naow:

no way. he knows i have respect for others ladiez