
Im doing it. Shaved yesterday. Mine will also grow Mark Walhberg stylez… I will get a starting pic if I can find my camera :lol

Hmm, tempting!

Do it, every guy looks 10x better with beard. Have I ever mentioned I like beards? lol

Ive never gone more than a week without shaving :lol


I think your vagina is talking.

no way, shave the beard, and keep the molestache.

You wouldnt be able to hear my vag talk past the hair :lol


+rep i lol’d

your lack of facial hair would make u look like a burn victum if u went more than a week. :Idiots


I grew a goatee and stache for my Kenny Powers costume on like a week. This should be interesting!

i dont know how to get my ugly ass face on the comp without help lolol , im deff down for this . now i have a exscuse to not shave This is my usual, but it has been about a month since this.

The second picture is where I’m at today.

my facial hair is horrendous… will be shaving in the morning

Shaved friday, i will probably be doing this haa

lets see the kenny p costume

i’ll try to grow some peach fuzz

Let’s make this interesting.

I dont want to see Petes pube fuzz