
this is the very reason that i have not cut my hair.

For once my facial hair may be longer then the hair on my head also


I had to cut it short to fix the cut from my Halloween costume

I need to go get mine cut soon but really dont want to look that scruffy

im just letting it all for for november… new haircut and scruffy beard looks bad

Saw a dude today at teh Cobleskill Diner. No lie haha

It is Cobleskill… no surprises there.

Im shaving today fuck this nonsense

^ You fucking pussy

I feel like hobo. This facial hair just makes me look like a homeless person


Beards are fucking whack. Im gonna shave the neck first and if that doesnt help remedy partial bum look its all gone

trust me it does, thats the only way it looks decent

yes shaving the neck is def. needed to make the beard IMO.

plus the fuckin neck itches like WOW

Yeah you pretty much have to shave your neck.

Haven’t touched a razor yet. You are all pussies

Well I still shave my vagina. Does that disqualify me?

Yea the neck is very annoying when trying to sleep