now this is some funny shit

please read the whole description of the “accident”

lol, another reason not to smoke


Smokers…getting what they deserve

ha that makes me smile, why would you smoke in such a nice car. Just proves the more you smoke, what ever it may be the dumber you get.

wait, they were smoking in the car on a test drive?

what a fucking asshole.

wow … Thats sad…

fiberglass doesnt like fire

does anyone think this storyisa little shady

does anyone think this story is a little shady

definitely sounds shady

definitely sounds shady

ha. yeah, seriously… who the hell smokes while they are test driving a car, especially a corvette. i’ve never tried to buy a corvette, but it seems like one of those cars that they don’t let you drive around by yourself and there is no way a salesman would let you smoke in that car.

not really, depending on the dealership and if you know someone that works there, they do let people take cars out on their own.

people CONSTANTLY take cars by themselves. especialy if they are returning customers who like to spend money

and its not like it was new, it had 40k miles on it already, so if he damaged it it wouldnt be nearly as much of a big deal (ie: rock chips and small scratches)

and i dont see why you guys think this is shaddy, no matter WHAT caused the fire, that thing is now burnt to a crisp, be it a cigg, a broken wire, or a fuel tank leak, so its not like your going to wind up reusing a part that caused the fire, justto have it turn the receiving carinto a fireball also

meh, I doubt a cigarette started that.

ne1 else thinkin a balk halfed corvette would look good?

like i said, never tried to buy one. but still, even if you are a smoker, would you really smoke in a car while you were test driving it? you would have to be some sort of asshole. although, you would probably have to be some sort of asshole to flick the butt into the back seat and destroy the car. maybe this isn’t so far fetched.

Well, I would have to check the ashtray wouldn’t I? Yup, I would have to test that. lol Cigs these days smolder and go out. The chances are very slim that a cig started this.

i laughed. :smiley:

comeon guys that can be buffed out with a little bit of love… I didnt realize that vettes came in auto :shrug:

Hence why it probably set itself on fire.
