Numb Finger Question, XBox people enter HERE!

whoaaa. took it too far bro.

Shame on you

Less game time equals moar time to masturbate which will relieve stress in the gaming hand. Ask me how I know.

I can relate to this since I used to be obsessed with racing games. This would happen to me every once in awhile from holding the ‘gas’ down for too long/too hard. Just take a break from playing a game where you need to constantly have your finger pushing down on a button or try not pushing down so hard.

I play Mario Kart (N64) for money.
Gaming finger circulation is for pussys

You are a giant tool.

:rofl at nick marijuana

tryin to start fightz

Word mario kart is one of my specialties

so i see the roomates " ya know the dark skinned ones " finally got to ya . ya dont work and all ya do is get high and play video games now eh . such a shame man , i thought ya would of lasted longer . r.i.p white nick burn in hell ni99a wannabee nick


Pfft if you really knew how to rock a fps, you wouldnt be holding the trigger down! Spray n/ pray hurts brah lol

True story.

False. It’s clearly AIDS induced necrosis.


Still can’t feel it, its been 3 days. The area is a pinkish blue color. Gonna give it till Monday/Tuesday then go into the doctor, since thats when I’m off work. At this point I think its 1 of 3 things

  1. pinched a nerve. whatever, ill live with it.
  2. its callousing and i just dont have feeling back in it yet
  3. some sort of blood flow pinch that is killing part of my finger because its not getting blood.

in any regard, if wanting to put a 4088 on my alero hasn’t shown me im a ra tard then this has. I have not played video games with that finger since the day after i stopped having feeling in it, whenever i do play games, the finger is splinted up and away from the controller to stop myself from accidentally using it.

Okay, serious now. I had a blood clot years ago, that made my one finger turn green and blue and very nasty. Eventually the skin on that finger all fell off, and the nail, and they thought I would lose the finger. They started me on a blood thinner, basically aspirin. Try that, but get it looked at.

Probably going to have to amputate that.

Sorry man. :frowning:

I’m set up to go the the doctors Tuesday. Red, I took some aspirin an hour or so ago, so we’ll see what happens.

I would skip the doctor visit and use a cigar cutter, co-pays are ridiculous these days…

Just drink a beer and stop being such a pussy already

No copay ftw? yes.

Aleros, yeeah!

Vroom vroom, wam pshh rod knock knock knock