Anybody here ever have Carpal Tunnel?

Will likely need to get my wrist operated on in the near future…have been experiencing numbness in the bottom half of my hand (ring/pinkie finger, and the section of the palm directly below them) for a month or so…not the kind of numbless when a limb falls asleep, but like dentist novicane numbness. Was told it’s most likely carpal tunnel…

Just trying to get a feel for the procedure itself from those that have had it removed…down time/amount of time it takes for your hand to feel 100% or at least good enuogh to work/type again with it, how likelt it is to come back, where you had it done, etc…

I’ve been working in front of computers for like 10 years non stop…so this was just a matter of time i guess.

Don’t squeeze so hard when you’re jerking off…

J/K, I don’t have a clue.

When I worked at Toyota for the second year, I was doing assembly line shit. So very tedious and repetitive work. Plenty of people there had problems with their hands and a good number of them had surgery. I think the downtime for them was around two months, but Toyota was pretty generous with how much time you could have off for things like that. They could have probably come back sooner.

One thing that helped immensely was using hot wax baths for my hands. They had a bunch in the plant and you just dip your hands, let dry, repeat 2 or 3 times and then peel it all off and it helps to get the blood flowing to your hands and also helps prevent carpal tunnel. Felt awesome. Not long after I started using the hot wax my hands felt better, weren’t as swollen when I woke up in the morning, and the numbness (which was very minor for me) went away. I’m not saying that after ten years a hot wax bath will reverse damage, but it certainly helped me lol.

The numbness is in my left hand…and i’m right handed. So that rules out this possibility as being the problem…