ulnar nerve transposition

Has anyone had this surgery done? I just had the surgery on my right arm about a month ago. I go in for my left arm next Tuesday. I was told, by my doctor, that the recovery time can be 6-12 months for 100% function of the arm again. A month after the 1st surgery, I still have discomfort and pain in my elbow (surgical location). I’m just looking for any advice from people who have had this or know someone who had this surgery. I’m getting 100% , which is 2/3 of my pay, but the bills keep piling up and I’m looking for a realistic recovery time. Here’s a pic of my arm after the 1st surgery to give you and idea of what was done:


Mom had it in 95, still has numbness and pain from it to this day…

Tap dat talk

What’s the cause of this? Does not look good at all, hope u have a quick recovery

Repetitive motion, similar to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. I really want it to heal quickly. Just pouring a gallon of milk hurts my arm. I’m not looking forward to getting my left arm corrected Tuesday, but if I don’t it will have serious issues later in life. Basically you muscles in your hand wear away . The 1st symptoms were numbness/tingling. pain, and constantly dropping items (loss of grip).

Damn Chris…I didn’t know it was this bad. Hope for a quick recovery bro.

Did you go to a doctor in this area? I have been having really bad problems with my hands lately, very similar to your initial symptoms- I just assumed it was early arthritis. Been trying to figure out who/ where to go. Some days it hurts to even pick up light items such as my hair brush.

Good luck with your recovery, hope everything goes as smooth as possible!

Trace go to the doc and get a blood test done for arthritis, lyss had pain in her hands too. She was negative for arthritis though.

I didn’t either until I woke up from surgery. Tuesday, I get the left side done. Doc said my ulnar nerve looked liked a pinched garden hose when he go in there. Thanks!

I got diagnosed at the VA hospital in Albany. An EMG (electromyogram)test confirmed reduced nerve signals on the median and ulnar nerves. Cubital tunnel effects the the ring and pinky fingers, they constantly feel asleep. Carpel tunnel effects the thumb and 1st 2 fingers. There a few clinical test your doctor can do to diagnose it. You must have an EMG test to confirm it, before anyone will do surgery. My symptoms were lose of grip, numbness/tingling, serious pain at night and in the morning when I woke up. Often my hands would feel paralyzed for 10 to 15 minutes before I would even feel the tingling (asleep) feeling when I woke up. If you think you may have it get it checked out before you end up like me and up under the knife.

The primary cause of this is, as quoted for a medical sire: "One common cause of problems is frequent bending of the elbow, such as pulling levers, reaching, or lifting. Constant direct pressure on the elbow over time may also lead to cubital tunnel syndrome. The nerve can be irritated from leaning on the elbow while you sit at a desk or from using the elbow rest during a long drive or while running machinery. The ulnar nerve can also be damaged from a blow to the cubital tunnel. "

I do all of these things at my job, for the past 6 years. I hope this information helps you, ass I had no idea that this condition even existed until I developed serious pain and problems doing simple tasks.

That sucks man :frowning: Hope this gets better for you.

I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Thanks, The right is getting better, but still is very painful after a month.

Thank you! Now I get to start the recovery process all over again. I just has my left arm done Tuesday. This is the 1st pic I have of it uncovered:


Makes me shudder. Good luck man.