NY about to pass strictest gun laws in nation

Ummmm… if I’m not mistaken, wouldnt a petition kind of help this idea out?

It didn’t hurt and I won’t give up.

I will support any 2A legal action that WILL take place and I will continue to vote against politicians who sold out.

There is still a huge war on the federal level

Also look at Heller and McDonald both of those seemed unattainable but we won. :tspry:

I’m just very frustrated. I, like many of you, feel very strongly about this. I’m not giving up but goddamn this was a kick to the sack.

Sign Kathleen Marchione’s petition as well. I think with her being a senator so strongly against the bill, and from the state where it passed, a massive petition against this bill will have better odds of being repealed.

Fight the good logical fight … until they draw first blood colonel

Here watch this


Link for those who care


so are pre ban 30 round mags going to be fully illegal now? thats like going back into an old as law and saying your cutting it down even more

No shit if the background check database is unreachable for buying ammo you can by with out a background check.

I bet this is done over the internet also haha

so…pull the ethernet cable?

Rent a botnet? lol

Yeah, no more allowance for pre-ban mags. If you own a 30 rnd mag from 1992 that was legal yesterday you are now a criminal.

I thought the bill allowed time to sell off the 30 rounders.

I believe its 1 year

90 days lol

Gun registration is 1 year

Sell to who? lol

edit: out of staters, didn’t think that through.

That is seriously fucking bullshit. ars look retarded with short mags in them.

Signed, thanks. Everyone else may want to do this also.


Weren’t 30 rounders already totally banned in NY?